Page 5 of Sinner's Vow

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Stepping out of the shower, he grabs a towel and drapes it over my shoulders, wrapping me in its warmth as he carries me to bed.

There, he lays me down, and the sheer beauty of him as his blond hair falls into his eyes, his powerful muscles glistening with water, makes me want to cry.

And then he leans in, his body covering mine as his lips claim me. Hips thrusting with renewed vigor, Efrem penetrates me deeply. Our tongues tangle as he owns my body completely, worshiping it as he fills me with passionate need.

“Oh god, I’m coming,” I moan as I feel my climax building for a second time.

“Come with me, Dani,” Efrem murmurs against my lips, and the sound of my name when he says it is like the sweetest symphony.

His hand cups my cheek as he pulls back to look me in the eye. And I can see the deep, resounding emotion there. The unshakeable truth behind it.

Lost in the fathomless depths of his soul, I can’t hold on any longer. The intensity of my climax is unlike anything I’ve ever known before. As we maintain eye contact, I can see the molten heat of his pleasure, and it stokes mine into a blazing inferno.

Clamping down around his cock, my pussy tightens with the first wave of my orgasm. Efrem’s hard erection throbs as he releases a powerful burst of cum. Twitching in rhythm, we unravel together, his hips jerking forward as he buries himself deep inside my core.

I grip him hard, my walls clamping around him, begging him to come deeper inside me, and the euphoria of my release fills me with such intense satisfaction that I groan with pleasure. This is the ultimate form of ecstasy, a consuming relief that borders on spiritual.

Breathes heaving together, we look deep into each other’s eyes, and I’ve never felt so vulnerable, so utterly exposed. And yet so safe, so loved. It’s close to terrifying, but the exhilaration is something out of this world.

Slowly, Efrem eases to a stop inside me, and the tender kiss he presses to my lips melts my heart. Settling on top of my body like a weighted blanket, Efrem remains buried in my depths as we catch our breath.

Combing my fingers into his hair, I shower kisses on his forehead and temple, his cheek, and when he turns his head, I finish on his lips.

“You are mine, Dani,” he says, his rich voice vibrating through my chest and making me shiver deliciously. “And I would give my life to protect you. You know that, right?”

A knot forms in my throat at the meaning behind his statement. I could see it tonight. When he stood off against Mikhail. He was going to do whatever it took to make me safe.

“I know,” I murmur. “But I don’t want to live without you. So don’t go dying on me, okay?”

A soft smile curls his lips, and he leans in to kiss me softly. “Okay,” he promises.

Easing out of me, Efrem rolls onto the bed beside me, and I turn to snuggle against his chest. His strong arm holds me close, and I love how perfectly we fit together, like two puzzle pieces that work no matter which way we connect.


“Hmm?” he asks, glancing down at me.

“How did you know to come find me?” I frown as I realize just how lucky I am that he did.

“Shortly after you left, we were attacked. Someone threw a brick through the front window—followed by a Molotov cocktail,” he starts, his brow furrowing as my heart stutters in my chest. “We tried to take Pyotr and his family out the back door, but they were waiting for us. The fire was meant to destabilize us and send us running into their ambush.”

My heart pounds at hearing Efrem confirm Mikhail’s horrifying plan. And sensing my distress, he pulls me closer, his hand gently stroking my arm. He stares up at the ceiling as he talks, reliving the moment as emotions flicker across his masculine face.

“They killed the men on duty. Shot Val. It was only by sheer luck that I managed to avoid a bullet while I got Pyotr and his family safely back inside—”

“And Val?” I ask, clamping my thumbnail between my teeth as my anxiety spikes.

“He’s fine. Or I’m sure he will be. He was shot in the leg, but he’s strong. He will survive.”

I nod, the tension in my chest easing slightly.

“We managed to escape out the window of their spare bedroom, and I sent the four of them to the Matron’s house in a taxi. But the reason I knew you were in danger is that your brother was one of the men who opened fire on us, Dani. He was part of the ambush.”

Tears sting my eyes as I lift onto my elbow to look Efrem full in the face. And I can see the deep sadness in his gaze.

His hands massage my arms in an effort to bring me comfort as he continues. “When I saw he was not in trouble, that he didn’t get hurt in a fight, I knew you had been called away on a lie. And I do not trust Mikhail, not when I know what he is capable of. So I had to come find you.”

“I’m glad you did,” I breathe, kissing him to show my gratitude.
