Page 77 of Sinner's Vow

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I know he said it might be days until he gets back home, but still, I linger at Efrem’s apartment, appreciating the peace and quiet, all the sights and smells that make me think of him.

Here, my loss feels somewhat more distant, as if Ben’s absence could simply be temporary. And I hold on to that feeling, appreciating it for the relief it brings.

It takes me a minute to recognize the sound of my ringtone and several more seconds to find it, seeing as the last place I left it was in my pants pocket on the floor of Efrem’s living room.

Somewhere in our desperate effort to undress, it slipped out of my pocket and found its way beneath the couch.

“Hello?” I answer breathlessly, when I finally retrieve it. I didn’t have time to look at the caller ID; sure it would send the person to voicemail if I took the extra moment.

“Dani?” Silvia’s voice is shaky, almost on the verge of panic.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, sitting up as tension knots my stomach.

“Can you come over? Now?”

Whatever it is, it must be bad if she’s this upset and doesn’t want to say it over the phone. “I’m on my way. I… might be a moment. I’m still at Efrem’s….” The confession brings warmth to my cheeks.

But Silvia’s so distracted, she doesn’t even seem to notice my embarrassment. “I’ll see you then,” is all she says before hanging up.

Icy dread fills me as a hundred possibilities flood my mind at once. What could possibly have happened that would put Silvia in such a state of panic. Seeing as Efrem planned to be gone for days, I doubt that it’s Pyotr she’s upset about.

Then a terrible thought hits me. What if it’s Isla? Suddenly, I can’t move fast enough. Snatching my coat off the rack, I race from the apartment without bothering to lock it. Feet pounding, I run down the stairs, unwilling to wait for the elevator. I take the final set two at a time, nearly falling on my face when I finally reach the ground floor.

I’m flagging down a taxi seconds later, walking in the direction I want to go.

“Brooklyn Heights,” I gasp as I finally slide into the back seat of an open car.

I give the cabbie further directions as he pulls out into traffic, seeming to sense my urgency. Heart pounding against my ribcage, I watch with bated breath as the Veles house comes into view. And as he pulls to a stop in front of the brownstone building, I throw two twenties at him, shouting for him to keep the change as I fling the door wide.

Sprinting up the steps, I don’t bother knocking. Instead, I burst inside their home only to stop dead.

My jaw drops at the sight that greets me. The house is in utter chaos. It looks more like a triage room than a home. Something terrible has clearly happened. And I can only pray that Silvia and Isla are alright.

“Silvi?” I call, rushing past the front room filled with wounded Veles men. “Sil—”

I release an involuntary cry of surprise as she bursts from the kitchen, fresh bandages in hand, her hair pulled back with a bandana. Her cooking apron is smeared with blood, and her hazel eyes widen with shock.

“What happened?” I demand, looking over my shoulder to indicate the wounded men. “Are you okay? Is Isla? Where’s Pyotr?” I bite back the question that screams forefront in my mind. Where’s Efrem?

“Isla and I are fine. Pyotr’s in his office. He needs to speak with you.”

I nod mutely as Silvia rushes off toward the front room and the bleeding men who need her attention. Deep, bone-chilling fear stiffens my movements, slowing my pace as I turn to follow the hallway toward Pyotr’s office.

It stands slightly ajar, and the now-familiar sound of Russian issues from the room, a deep, agitated voice entering the hallway. Biting my lip, I knock hesitantly and wait for permission to enter.

I hardly recognize Pyotr’s voice as he commands me to come in.

And when I do, my heart stops in my chest.

“Everyone out,” he commands as his penetrating gray eyes find mine.

Their haunted expression borders on unhinged, and as his face twists with agonizing regret, I find I’m incapable of looking away, of learning who else was in the room with him.

The door clicks gently closed as the last person exits into the hallway. And as I stand alone with Pyotr, I feel the sudden and overwhelming urge to run. I shouldn’t be here.

But I can’t lift my feet.

“What’s going on? What happened?” I breathe, my fear apparent in my voice.
