Page 23 of His For The Keeping

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She glared at him, removed her lip from her mouth, then bit it again.

“Do you want to challenge me, little girl? Remember what I said about games?” He pushed his chair back and closed the short distance between them. Using the pad of his finger, he pulled her lip from between her teeth, then leaned in and kissed her firmly.

Their first kiss.

The electricity of arousal shot hot between them, and there was no denying the chemistry. The kiss was short but fierce, and the promise behind it spoke volumes. Breaking the kiss, Shane went back to his seat.

“No more games. Eat your dinner.”

“I’m not a child.”

“You’re acting like one. As long as you act this way, I will treat you like one.”

“Is he always this bossy?” Her question was poised to Brad.

“Yes, it comes with the territory. We all are. Now, why don’t you be a good girl and eat some of your dinner?”

She growled.

Their demands were infuriating, but the dominance in their tones was sexy as fuck. The shorts she was wearing were wet from the gush of liquid during the conversation, her stupid body betraying her. Why? Why was she turned on by their demands? How could she be pissed off and aroused at the same time?

“Do you need me to feed you?” Shane asked, taking a long drink from his beer.

“No!” she protested, taking a large bite from her cornbread. “Stay right there.”

“Now, who’s being bossy?”

She was exhausted and running out of strength to argue with him. Shane came with her to the bedroom and watched as she got ready for bed. Finally ready, he pulled back the blankets.

“Climb on in. We’re safe here tonight. We’ll hit the road tomorrow.”

“Where are you sleeping?”

“Right here, next to you.”

“What? You said we’re safe here. Can’t you sleep elsewhere?”

“We are, but I’m not leaving your side. I don’t trust you not to run away.”

“I won’t run away, Shane. I’m too exhausted to leave tonight.”

“I wish I believed you, Frankie. I have a feeling you’ll leave and head home the second I look away. Now, get in bed.”

She climbed in, laying her head on the pillow awaiting her. Stripping down to just his boxer shorts, he stood in front of her, and try as she might, she couldn’t look away.

The man was built, muscle on top of muscles. Her gaze trailed from his broad shoulders to his flat stomach, which rolled with defined lean abs. Her mouth watered, looking at his thick thighs and curved calves. Raising her eyes, she blinked, remembering to breathe again.

“Like what you see, little girl?”

“It’s obvious you stay in shape.”

“Part of the job.”

“Your brothers were in good shape, too, but they have nothing on you.”


Theywerein good shape.
