Page 45 of His For The Keeping

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“From what I gather. Why don’t we go ask him?” He steered her toward the main house.

“That’s great, right?”

“It would appear that way. You know, Frankie, I don’t appreciate being lied to.”

“Ugh. Not you, too.”

“Not me, too, what?”


“No, it’s definitely something. Let me ask you,” he said as they walked. “Do you like being lied to? Or do you want your friends to be honest with you?”

“Of course, I don’t like being lied to and shouldn’t have had to lie to you, but I should be able to go wherever I want, whenever I want. I’m a grown woman.”

“You are a grown woman with an entire organization who wants you dead and a man who cares deeply about you, trying to prevent that from happening,” Phantom retorted.


After catching up with Phantom and Frankie about Emanuele, they turned to leave.

“Francesca, I’m not done with you yet. Come here, little girl.”

Phantom gave him a knowing look before slipping out and shutting the heavy wooden door behind him.

Shane had given her very clear directives. She had free rein of the grounds as long as she had an escort, but she had explored the garden alone and had lied to Phantom to get the directions.

He kicked back in his chair and waited for Frankie to cross the room. When she didn’t come right away, he arched his eyebrows—still no movement. Crocking his finger, he pushed forward, leaning his arms on the desk.

“I said, come here, little girl.”


Sighing, he shoved back the chair and stood. Walking around to the front of the desk, he leaned back, palms flat on the desk, and looked at her. Without saying a word, he stared her down. She was standing firm, her feet planted, her arms crossed across her chest, but the longer he stared, the less sure she seemed. Her arms fell, and she shifted from one foot to the next.


“What do you think?”

“I don’t know!” The way she sucked in and bit her lower lip told him otherwise.

“That’s five.”


“Five lashes with my belt for lying.”


Shane noticed the slight tremble that went through her. He had never spanked her with anything but his hand before. He might have threatened but had never followed through.

That changed today.

“I’m not in the mood to play right now. I’m very close to getting Emanuel, and the closer I get, the more danger we’re in. There is no room for mistakes or disobedience right now, Frankie.”

“I just wanted to work in the garden.”

“And what did I tell you?”
