Page 46 of His For The Keeping

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“That I had to have someone with me at all times, but Shane, we’re safe here on Valhalla.”

“No buts, Frankie. What if one of the men who killed our families had seen you alone in the garden?”

“They’d have to get onto Valhalla first.”

“No place is impenetrable, Frankie. Valhalla is in the beginning stages of development, and they’re still feeling out the security risks. It’ll take years with a place this large to get complete surveillance set up. I’m not even sure if that’s what Phantom is planning. It’s safe in that the residents are military trained and combat-tested veterans who share the same values, but that doesn’t mean the enemy can’t get on the property.”

“They’d have to know we were here first.”

“Damnit, Francesca. Listen to me. We don’t know what they know or don’t know, where they are or aren’t. That is the entire fucking point. I can only keep you safe if I know where you areand if you aren’t alone. I know you aren’t helpless, but if it’s you versus a trained fucking killer, I don’t like the odds.”

“I was just in the garden.”

“Regardless, you disobeyed me and put yourself in danger, and I won’t have it.” Pushing to his full height, he walked toward her, jaw set in determination.

“Take off your pants and panties, then lay across the desk, little girl.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“That’s ten.”

“Shane, I…”

“Do you want to make it fifteen? If I have to do it for you, it will be twenty. Get going.”

Taking her arm, he propelled her toward the desk. Eyes wide, like a doe in his truck’s headlights, she looked over her shoulder but kept her mouth shut. Unsnapping her jeans, she shimmied out of them. She gave him a desperate look, pleading with her eyes as her fingers rested on her panties. He held up one finger. When she didn’t move, he held up a second and took a step forward. He had to bite back laughter at how quickly she yanked her panties down then.

“Over the desk.” He kept his voice calm, but his heart was beating hard in his chest. The sight of her perfectly formed ass and plump pussy lips on display had his cock hardening. God, she was beautiful. He kicked her feet farther apart, grabbed her hips, and pulled her back slightly, giving himself more of a target.

The first slap on the white globes brought instant satisfaction, and the pink splotch that followed motivated him. Landing another, then another, he found his tempo and concentrated on replacing the white on both cheeks with hot pink. He heard her little mews of complaint but tuned them out.

“I am beginning to think you are going to need to be spanked daily to remind you to follow the rules.”


“No?” He landed a hard slap to her right upper thigh, ignoring her screech of outrage. “It seems to me, the only time you listen to me is after I have properly chastised you, little girl. If I go a day or two without reddening this sexy ass, you forget who you belong to and whose rules you need to obey.”

“I don’t belong to anyone!” she hissed.


That wasn’t what she said when she was under him in bed the night before. Maybe he needed to remind her who she belonged to.

Picking up the tempo, he laid into her ass, covering every inch of her meaty cheeks, concentrating on her sit spot for a while before moving his focus to her upper thighs. As he paid special attention to those sensitive areas, her yells of outrage and screeches of pain had turned into cries of remorse.

His hand tingling, he paused again and shook it out.

“You don’t belong to anyone? We are married, Mrs. O’Brien, a fact I have reminded you of every night since. Your body responds to your husband. Your orgasms flow readily at my hands, my mouth, and with my cock nestled deep in your pussy.”

“Shane!” she gasped, and he heard the outrage in her tone.

“You don’t like me talking like this? You don’t seem to mind it in the bedroom.”

“That’s different!”

“No, Francesca, it isn’t. You belong to me.” He dragged his nail down her hot, red ass, and she hissed between her teeth. Moving down her ass crack to her lips, he slipped a finger between them and found her soaking wet. She tried to close her legs, but a couple of slaps on her inner thighs had her reopening them.

“Look how wet your punishment has made you, little girl,” he scolded, although deeply pleased by her body’s reaction. “And we haven’t even finished yet.”

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