Page 49 of His For The Keeping

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“And I spanked your ass last night,” Shane said. “I should have cut that switch.”

“Hell, I’ll cut it for you,” Phantom said. “What are you thinking, Frankie?”

“I want to see the man who killed my family. I want to look into his eyes and ask him why he killed my sisters and my parents. I want to ask him how he could kill innocent children. There isn’t enough money in the world worth selling your soul for!”

“Did you think we were going to give the bastard time to chat?” Jay asked.

“We aren’t going to have coffee with him, sweetheart,” Mitch said.

“What are you going to do, then?”

“Kill him,” Shane said. “We are going to kill the bastard and make sure he never threatens you or hurts anybody else again.”

“I thought you were going to capture him and turn him over to the authorities.”

“Frankie.” Shane tipped her chin up and looked down into her face. “Remember when Jay talked to you about shadow governments? There are some people who have power, prestige,money and get away with everything. Emanuele is one of those people. Turning him over to the authorities wouldn’t guarantee justice. He wasn’t the one who committed the crimes, but he ordered it done. It’s likely he would be out within an hour. No, we have to eliminate the threat.”


“No buts, Frankie.”

“Are you sure you have the right person?”

“We’re sure,” Jay said. “I have found more than enough evidence to prove his guilt.”

“Well, you can’t turn the plane around now. Guess I am coming with you.” She smiled at them.

“The hell you are,” Shane said. He grabbed her arm, his fingers digging deep into her upper arm, and pulled her over to the seat next to him. “Sit your ass down.”


“Not. A. Word.”

He motioned for the men to come around. They talked in quiet tones, so she couldn’t overhear, then he returned a moment later to sit beside her.

“I swear to God, Francesca. You are in the biggest trouble of your life. You will be lucky if you sit comfortably for the rest of this year.”

“Shane, I…”

“You disobeyed me? The only saving grace you have is you came out now, not when we were at the meet.”

“I want to go.”

“Francesca, I am not arguing with you about this. You are already in more trouble than you can imagine. When we land in Washington, one of my cousin’s men is going to escort you straight to my father’s house and keep you under watch until this is all over. Mitch is going to go with you.”

“What? No. You can’t. You need all the men; that’s what you planned for.”

“It’s what we planned for until you showed up.”

“You can’t send Mitch with me. You need him.”

“I need him, but I need you to be safe more.”

Her heart flip-flopped. She believed him. He had treated her amazingly the past week, and she had developed feelings for him. He had included her, asked her opinion on things, and spoken to her like an equal. They were getting along, but he had drawn the line when it came to the intimate details of getting Emanuele. He said work was something she would have to get used to not asking questions about or knowing the details, that as a Navy SEAL, he often couldn’t tell her things because of operational security, and it would be best if she thought about this situation as one of those missions.

Except it wasn’t.

It wasn’t a military mission.
