Page 35 of Preacher

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“I think she had something to do with you being stabbed,” Gypsy added, trying to get Preacher to see the girl clearer.

Riley had enough of Gypsy and his attitude. She was definitely done with his accusations. “You can get off my property. Now!”

“Preacher, get in the damn car. I’ll take you to the clubhouse, where you won’t be left alone.”

“I think I’m good where I’m at. You can also apologize to Riley for accusing her of stabbing me or having anything to do with it.”

Gypsy stared at Riley, his anger rising over the situation. “If I find out you were involved, Riley James—”

Riley cut him off. It was time for Gypsy to understand he wasn’t dealing with some punk kid. “Nicolea Petrovic, if you find proof, I’ll kiss your big ass.” She saw the surprised look, but it flashed fast and then was gone. Now, he knew she was just as suspicious of him as he was of her.

“Preacher, let me know when you’re back home,” Gypsy bit out.

“Yes, mom,” Preacher snapped.

“You might want to go with him,” Riley said from where she stood.

“I’m good,” he told her.

“Gypsy,” she watched him look at her, “tell Quinn and the kids hi for me.”

When Gypsy pulled out of the driveway, Preacher looked at Riley. “You know you’re playing with fire.”

Looking at Preacher, she searched his face for any indication he was playing her, that the Gypsy Kings were playing her. She didn’t find one. She did see a look of concern. “Are you warning me?”

Preacher moved so fast, he surprised himself when he pulled her to him. His hands went to her face as he smashed his lips to hers. Her hands slid under his T-shirt. The feel of her pressing against his body gave him all sorts of ideas about where he wanted to kiss her. Breaking their connection, he looked down into her eyes and knew she wanted more. “You didn’t show me around the house.”

“You’re changing the subject.”

“Just be careful testing Gypsy’s patience.”

Not wanting to hear how she needed to tread lightly, she changed the subject. “What are you wanting to see?”

Preacher let her change the topic, but he’d have his say sooner or later. “You didn’t show me the bedroom.”

Riley smirked. “No, I didn’t.”

“Come back inside and let me kiss you again.”

“You can kiss me right here,” she chided.

“I want to kiss you in places your neighbors don’t need to see.”

“Maybe I should show you the bedroom.” Riley slid her hand into his and had barely taken a step when a black Camaro pulled into the driveway. Dropping her head against Preacher’s chest, she swore under her breath. “Give me a break.”

She heard him chuckle as he ran his hands down her arms. “Preacher, would you mind going inside?”

“If you need me too, I will,” he told her, keeping his eyes on her face.

“It would be best,” she mumbled, watching the car.

Riley saw Scout and Temple climb out of Scout’s car. “Look at you, Riley. You managed to keep someone alive for once,” Scout called out with way too much sass. She tried to hide how much the comment bothered her but knew Preacher was all too aware of her reaction.

Preacher saw the expression on Riley’s face and knew the comment cut deep. “Please go inside,” she whispered. Squeezing her hand, he turned and headed inside. The last thing he heard before closing the door was Riley telling the girl to watch her mouth. He’d give her time to tell him what the comment was about when she was ready.

Riley stood staring at Scout and Temple until she heard the door close. “What do you ladies need?”

“Brought you some information,” Temple said, holding up a large, brown mailing envelope.
