Page 36 of Preacher

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“Give it to me and go.” Riley tracked Scout as the girl walked around her car.

“Your boy inside has some heavy hitters as friends. They have someone digging into all of us,” Temple said, still keeping her eyes on Scout. Riley didn’t trust Scout not to do something to her car. Hell, she wouldn’t put it past Scout to attack her.

“I told him to back off, or I’d be doing the same,” Riley told Temple.

“Whip’s pissed,” Scout said as she stepped back by Temple.

Riley crossed her arms, staring at Scout, bored. “Whip started this crap, so she can get over herself.”

Scout took the folders from Temple and shoved them at Riley. “Whip said you shouldn’t have gotten involved. We weren’t on their radar, and now, we are.”

Riley took the folders and stared at Scout. If the girl wanted to throw down, she’d jump. “I’m sure Whip knows my position. I’ll take care of me. No worries.”

“Always the loner. How’d that work out the last time, Riley?” Scout shouted as she closed the distance between them.

“It’s getting old, Scout. Don’t you think it’s time for you to take responsibility for Mitch’s death? After all, it was your job to have his back.” Riley was ready when Scout charged her. She dropped the envelope and dipped low, hitting Scout in the stomach and tossing the girl onto the ground.

“Stay down, Scout,” Riley told her.

“Fuck you, Riley,” Scout growled as she scrambled to her feet. Maybe they needed to kick each other’s asses to get past the shit. Riley stumbled back as Scout slammed into her. She wrestled to stay on her feet, but Scout managed to get a foot behind Riley’s ankle and tripped her, taking her to the ground.

Riley rolled away from Scout, coming back up on her feet fast. She landed a kick to Scout’s ribcage. It was a cheap shot, but Scout would’ve used the same move if she’d had the chance. Riley didn’t give Scout an opportunity to counter before she advanced on her, striking her in the sternum.

Scout tried blocking Riley’s hits with her arms and hands. But Riley was relentless, and the bitch knew how to use close proximity to gain power and strength, which made it feel like a fucking truck was hitting you.

Riley bounced on her feet, telling Scout to defend herself. With both girls on their feet, they fell into fighting stances. Each countered as they kicked and threw punches. Riley would throw a punch, and Scout would deflect it. Scout would kick out, and Riley would snap her inner thigh with her foot. When Scout crumpled to the ground after a well-placed kick to her inner thigh, Riley jumped on her. Every hit reflected each time Scout had blamed her for Mitch’s death and for each time Scout blamed her for something going wrong with The Muthers.

She heard someone screaming for her to stop, but she didn’t. Then she felt hands pulling her off Scout and she fought them. She kept swinging until the sound of Preacher’s voice broke through the chaos in her head.

Falling backward, Riley shoved off the ground, shoving hands away from her. “I’m done. Tell Whip I’m fucking done.” She didn’t look back at Scout or Temple. She didn’t look back at Preacher. She just picked up the envelope from the ground and headed into the garage. They could all go to hell for all she cared.


Riley tossed the envelope onto the workbench. Patting down her pockets, she realized her phone was somewhere in the yard. She wanted Bones to come get Preacher. She couldn’t do this. Everything was going to shit, and she needed to step away from all of it.

“Are you okay?” Preacher asked from the open doorway. Shaking her head, Riley placed her hands on the workbench, trying to settle her temper. It wasn’t his fault Scout knew how to get under her skin. It wasn’t his fault she had a past that haunted her. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, I managed to keep your hands and elbows away from my stomach.”

“I think you should call Bones and have him come get you.”

“Riley, talk to me.”

“I can’t. Not right now.”

“I’ll go inside, and when you’re ready, you can come inside.”


“I’ll be inside when you wanna talk,” he told her, cutting her off. He’d just go inside and give her some space. Lord knew he could use a few more minutes to think about what had gone on between the two females.

When she was sure Preacher had left her alone, Riley went back out and searched for her phone. She found it in the grass. Picking it up, she saw a message from Scout.

Scout: You won this round.

Yeah, she had, but there wouldn’t be a rematch. Scrolling through her contacts, Riley found Bones’s number and sent a text.

Riley: Bones, can you come to my place and pick up Preacher?

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