Page 63 of Pretty Evil

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“Thanks.” I smile at him warmly because I really like Alexei’s assistant and then he leans closer and whispers, “Alexei has asked if you’ll join him on the terrace.”

“I think you’ve asked the wrong woman, Gleb. Perhaps he meant the woman who tried to kill me.”

Gleb shakes his head. “Listen to him, Serena. Nothing is ever what it seems.”

I hate that I’m intrigued and know in my heart I should be running as soon as he calls but I am interested in hearing his excuse, so I nod.

“He has two minutes.”

Gleb nods respectfully and as we move toward the terrace, I note Connor as usual, keeping a discreet distance behind me, watching my back as he always has done.

I head outside and immediately see Alexei leaning against the balustrade, watching me. The moon shines behind him along with the stars, and yet the only thing I can focus on is the man I approach with an angry glare.

“You’ve got a nerve asking me to meet you, Mr. Romanov.” I say in an icy voice as I approach and his eyes gleam as he whispers huskily, “A wise woman would maintain silence until she knows all the facts.”

“A wise woman wouldn’t be here at all, Mr. Romanov, so now we both know I am not wise, merely angry, perhaps you will do me the honor of telling me what the fuck that was all about?”

I note the fire in his eyes as he reaches out and pulls me against him, tipping my face to his and whispering, “I have answers and you need to listen.”

“To what?” I brush my lips against his and am delirious with desire, despite my anger toward him.

“It appears that your aunt isn’t the only family member playing the game.”

I pull back and stare at him with concern.

“What are you talking about?”

He silences me by placing his finger on my lips and says huskily, “Not here. Tonight, you will accompany me home and stay the night.”

“In your dreams, asshole.”

I bite back, and he shakes his head. “Non-negotiable, even if I have to kidnap you.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

I nod toward my bodyguard, who is glowering in the corner and Alexei grins.

“One man isn’t an army, Serena. He can come too, by the way.”

“Why would I want that?”

I laugh softly because I just can’t help being so happy I’m back in his arms.

“Make your excuses and leave with me. Tell your brothers but nobody else.”

“Why them?” I’m confused and he whispers, “Because they realize the safest place for you is by my side tonight.”

“Will you just tell me what’s going on, Alexei, because I’m pissed now. Why do my brothers know something I don’t?”

“Because my date tonight was for their information. I told them of my plans, and they have approved them.”

I pull back and stare at him with anger and hiss, “Then fuck you, Alexei, because if you are talking to my brothers behind my back, we have nothing more to say.”

I am so enraged I can’t see straight because what the actual hell? Why am I always the last to know? The men who surround me think they have the right to dictate my life and cut me out of discussions. I thought Alexei was better than that. It appears I was wrong.

I make to turn away and he grips me hard and whispers, “You have twenty minutes to say your goodbyes. My car will be waiting for you and if you aren’t in it, I’ll be coming for you personally. Oh, there is another reason you need to be in that car.”

“What reason?” I hitch my breath as he grazes his lips against mine and whispers, “We still have several hours of an adventure left to enjoy. Don’t back out on me now, tiger.”
