Page 16 of Born Evil

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Melissa shakes her head. “I don’t know why you’re such a bastard outside this house.”

“You know why.” I shrug. “Being nice gets you nowhere and loses you money. There is no room for nice in business.”

Our food arrives, which is a welcome distraction, and as we try to eat, luckily the conversation dies as we attempt to distract our attention from the distinct possibility that mom may not make it home at all.



My soul is panting, and my thighs are throbbing as I take the wildest ride of my life. Hanging on tight to this aptly named Adonis is no hardship as we sweep through the city in a haze of exhaust fumes and exhilaration. We head out into the open countryside and to be honest, I could ride all night and die happy. This is so freeing. As if I leave all my troubles behind me as we head into oblivion with no idea where the road ends.

My chauffeur pulls over to the side of the road and I note the lights of the city twinkling in the distance. We appear to be on a mountain track and as he cuts the engine, the silence is almost overpowering.

My heart is banging as I follow his lead and take the helmet off, setting it on the bike and watching him with nervous anticipation.

I swear my lady parts pant as he reaches for my hand and laces his fingers in mine and says gruffly, “Come with me.”

I should be very afraid right now because we are in the middle of nowhere and he could do anything to me. Murder me, rape me, beat me, all the possibilities flash through my mind but are dismissed as easily. For some reason I trust this man whoseappearance is terrifying, but his eyes are strangely gentle and as we head over to the edge, he pulls me down beside him and says gruffly, “Now we can talk.”

I say nothing because the air is extremely tense, and I wait for the reason I’m here at all.

“Your new job at Remington Industries was not by chance.”

I certainly wasn’t expecting that to be the first sentence out of his mouth and I say in surprise, “What do you mean?”

“You have been targeted.”


I am so confused, and he turns to face me, a hint of pity sparkling in his eyes.

“Troy Remington fired his last assistant to give you the job.”

“How do you know that?” My mind is buzzing because what the actual fuck is going on?

“I know everything, Laura, because I make it my business to.”

“Who are you?” I ask even though I’m fearful of the answer and he says without even blinking. “I’m Troy Remington’s worst nightmare.”

“Oh.” I have no words because there is something happening here that I probably won’t like.

He sighs and grips my hand a little tighter.

“I have been sent to educate you in harsh reality and I apologize for that in advance.”

I say nothing because what the freaking hell is the response to that anyway?

He sighs heavily. “I am here on behalf of your family.”

“Mom and dad sent you. Now I know you’re talking bullshit.”

For some reason, that makes him laugh, and he turns and stares into my eyes a little too hard. I squirm on my seat because that look on his face is one hot burning expression of my downfall.

“Tell me about your parents, little one.” His voice is soft and almost caressing, and I blink and say with a whisper, “There’s nothing much to say, really. Mom is a bank teller and dad is a truck driver. They are ordinary folks who scrape by but fill the house with love, not possessions.”

“And yet sent you to private school.”

His remark comes out of nowhere and catches me off-guard a little.
