Page 79 of Lethal

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“Vis impetus!”

I scream them out even as my mouth fills with water.

Energy ripples through the sea, and Octavia is lifted from her feet. I’m not as powerful as I was when I tossed Apollo Finn against the wall, but I’ve got enough energy to knock her back, to loosen her grip on my hair.

I’m able to lift my head and breathe, pulling as much air into my lungs as I can then coughing up sea water and breathing again.

But Octavia’s eyes are locked on mine, and those scary black marbles appear relentless.

I stumble away and am almost knocked over by a wave in the process. Exhaustion creeps through my veins, but this battle is not over. Not by a long shot.

Octavia leaps towards me.

“Vis impetus!” I shout.

Octavia deflects the spell and places up a ward.

Saydissolutio,Cyrus commands.

“Dissolutio,” I say, and the ward comes down. “Vis impetus!”

Octavia flies backwards this time, her body slamming down on the rocks.

I’m coming to find you,Cyrus says.Run away from her if you can. Head towards the castle.

Okay.I struggle against the sea, waves crashing into my knees. My body is weak, aching all over, and even though I’m new to it all and don’t know the rules yet, I sense my magicalenergy draining from my body. There’s only so much I can do with the one spell I know.

Octavia groans. She rolls onto her front and places her palms on the stones. I’m out of the water and on the pebbles when she rises.

I will my body to move faster, but every single inch of my clothing is soaking wet, dragging me down.

“Immobilis.” With a flick of her wrist, Octavia pushes me down, and I feel an invisible force keeping me there. “Did you really think you’d win, child? I’m only just getting started.”

She smirks. I see the madness in her eyes.

I’m doomed.


Octavia throwsme against the rocks like I’m one of Laila’s Care Bears. It knocks the wind out of me as I fall forwards, landing face-first into the pebbles. Sharp stones cut my cheek and nose.

“Stop,” I moan. “Please stop.”

Yes, I’ve reached the begging part of this fight. I don’t know what else to do—I’m just one more hit away from unconsciousness.

But Octavia has no intention of stopping. She wraps an invisible hand around my body. Now she can lift me, toss me, push me into the ground. Against my will, I’m rising, my hands groping the air uselessly.

“Vis impetus,” I whisper.

It does nothing. I’m drained. My one magical trick is gone.

“You should have let me drown you when you had the chance.” Octavia shakes her head. “I’ve heard it’s a peaceful death. But now you’re going to die in agony.”

“They’ll know what you did,” I say. “My body will be battered and bruised. You can’t keep this a secret.”

“There are three vampires to blame.” She smiles smugly as though she already knows how she’s going to get away with murder. “Four if I can get Vladimir to rise. He might make things more interesting.”

Then her face changes. Her eyes turn black, like midnight. She pulls me closer. And now I know that she intends to kill me.
