Page 25 of Tackle Me

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“Jake’s a decent guy, is all. So I’ll leave it in your court to arrange it, okay?” he says firmly.

“Maybe, let’s see,” I reply vaguely.

As Dad nods, he stares at me intensely, and leaves my room.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. “What are you doing?” I murmur to myself.

The prospect of a family dinner with Jake, being seen as a couple in my dad’s eyes, is stressful. I keep telling myself that what we have is fake, and yet I can’t wait to see him tonight…and every night. This is going to come back and bite me in the ass… isn’t it?

I’m in Jake’s car, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t help but notice how incredible he looks tonight. He’s wearing black formal pants and a deep-blue button-up shirt that perfectly follows the contours of his muscles. Hair styled neatly off his face, the front sits causally swept over his brow with just the right amount of gel. It’s hard to deny the guy is downright irresistible.

As he drives, I catch him glancing over at me more often than he keeps his eyes on the road.

“Did I mention how beautiful you look?” he says, his gaze roaming over me as I sit in the passenger seat.

“Only a few times,” I giggle, glancing down at my black dress that I almost didn’t choose because it felt too revealing, too tight across my bust. It cinches in at my waist and across my chest, held in place with spaghetti straps. The small flaring skirt sits just above my knees. Paired with heels, it’s a definite step up from my usual attire.

“And you don’t need to say that stuff to me,” I reply, trying to brush off his compliment.

“Oh, I do,” he insists with a huge grin and a twinkle in his blue eyes. “Because they’re true.”

His smile is disarming, melting away my defenses. I try my best to focus on the city lights and the people we pass on the sidewalk heading in and out of restaurants, but I keep finding myself drawn back to gazing at Jake. I keep thinking back to the time we spent in the library and how foolishly I thought that having sex with him would somehow get him out of my system. Instead, I’ve spent the last couple of days forcing myself not to contact him, to pull away, and it’s been excruciating. When he finally called about tonight, I never felt happier.

What’s wrong with me?

We arrive at the event, and Jake parks the car down the street. He rushes to my side and opens the door, offering his hand to help me out, and I take it.

“You clean up really well when you’re dressed up.”

“Why thank you, my lady,” he responds teasingly. He offers his bent arm, and I loop mine around it.

“So, does this technically count as one of our dates to show people we are dating beyond sex?” I ask playfully.

He glances over at me and gently pushes a strand of hair caught in my eyelashes.

“Honestly, I’m at the stage where I don’t give a crap what anyone thinks anymore, as long as I’m with you.”

“Jake, don’t say that stuff. You remember this is fake,” I remind him, cringing internally at how I’ve been feeling toward him, too.

“Yeah, I know,” he concedes. “But I’m so immersed in the part that I’m playing your boyfriend to perfection. Maybe you should try it and just pretend tonight is real to show people we are truly together.”

I give him a lopsided grin. “Maybe, let’s see…” My heart races at the thought. Pretending this is real with Jake doesn’t seem like such a bad idea… and it might help make the night pass quicker.

As we enter the building, the ballroom for the fundraiser is breathtaking. The spacious hall is elegantly decorated with yellow and red floral arrangements on each table, soft lighting over the room, and fairy lights everywhere. There’s a large banner across the back of the small stage, and the place is packed. Conversation and light, soft music fill the room, with all the well-dressed guests standing around, mingling and drinking glasses of Champagne.

This is high society and why I don’t enjoy attending them when Dad takes part each year. Of course, they have to invite the high-rollers because they want their money, but I feel out of place in this glamorous setting.

Dad’s finally at our side, grinning, looking like an older version of 007, looking great in his black suit and bow tie. His eyes light up at seeing us.

“Emily, I’m so happy you came,” he says warmly, kissing me on the cheek. His gaze shifts to Jake, and he offers him a wide smile. “Glad you could make it.”

“Anything for you, Coach.”

Dad beams, and I love seeing him this happy. Since losing my mom, he’s thrown himself into his work, always busy, serious, and having no time to try dating again. So, it warms me to see him smiling so much. Maybe I’d been wrong to immediately say no to this event when he used to invite me. I realize it’s not the fundraiser I’m really attending, but I’m there to show my dad support.

“The place looks incredible. You’ve done so well, Dad,” I say, reaching out to squeeze his arm.

“I wish I could take all the credit.” He laughs. “We have a great team on hand.”
