Page 39 of Tackle Me

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“Are you lost?” he asks, the corner of his mouth quirking upward.

I shake my head, trying to mask my growing concern. “I was supposed to meet Jake, but he’s nowhere to be found. I’ve been calling him, but he’s not answering.”

Ryan scratches his head, then strolls over to one of the lockers that isn’t locked and pulls it open. Inside, there’s a towel and a shirt. As he moves them, a phone falls out onto the floor. My heart skips a beat when I realize it’s Jake’s phone.

He picks it up, and I notice my missed call on the screen. “Hmm, strange,” Ryan murmurs. “He didn’t tell me he was going anywhere.”

A wave of worry lashes over me, especially when he’s obviously forgotten his phone.

“Did he say anything to you after the game? Anything unusual?” I ask, my hands fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

“No, nothing.” Ryan shakes his head, looking as baffled as I feel. “He was just talking about the game, how pumped he was. Then I hit the showers a bit late, and I assumed he’d be around waiting for me.”

I bite my lip, trying to piece together what could have happened. Where could Jake have gone without his phone, without telling anyone?

Ryan hands me Jake’s phone, his expression turning serious. “Maybe you should check with your dad or someone else from the team. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”

I nod, my mind racing with possibilities. “Thanks. I’ll ask around.”

Taking Jake’s phone, I step out of the locker room, the sense of unease growing with each step. I start scanning the remaining crowd, looking for anyone who might have seen Jake or who might know where he could have gone.

As I walk, the joy of the victory feels distant, overshadowed by the worry for Jake. Wherever Jake is, I just hope he’s safe. The thought of something happening to him sends a shiver down my spine. I quicken my pace, determined to track down my dad because something feels really off.

Sitting in a half-empty bus, I clutch my backpack next to me, my gaze fixed on the city we’re passing outside the window. The buildings, the people, the cars—they all seem to blend together in a blur as my mind races with thoughts of Jake. His bag was gone, but not his phone, which now is securely in my bag, locked behind a password I can’t guess.

The bus rumbles on, its low hum a background noise to my swirling thoughts. I told my dad I was going out with Sarah tonight and that I might stay over at her place for an assignment. He looked at me with a hint of disbelief, but I was too worked up about the gig and Jake’s sudden disappearance to notice. I hate that my thoughts keep drifting to the possibility of Jake ditching me, but it doesn’t make sense. Why would he leave his phone behind?

Exhaling deeply, I curl up in my seat, hugging my knees, hating how tight my chest feels. I try to convince myself that Jake is okay, that he hasn’t just left me without a word, but the gnawing feeling in my gut won’t go away. I need to focus, to concentrate on tonight, on the audition that could change everything for me and my band. This is our moment, and I can’t let personal issues derail it. Yet I’m close to tears…

An hour later, the bus pulls up outside the huge entertainment center where our audition is scheduled. My nerves jumble inside me, a tangle of excitement and anxiety. As I step off the bus, I spot my band members waiting outside the building. A surge of excitement courses through me, momentarily pushing aside my worries about Jake. I run toward them, my heart pounding with anticipation.

“Sorry I’m late!” I call out as they greet me with smiles and nervous laughter.

“We’ve got this, Emily,” Trev says, reaching over and hugging me.

“Yeah, tonight’s our night,” Lily adds, her eyes shining with the same nerves I’m feeling.

“God, I’m so nervous.” We all break out laughing.

As we head inside, I can feel the energy of the place, the buzz of potential and opportunity. This is what we’ve been working toward, what we’ve dreamed of. I take a deep breath, letting the excitement of the moment wash over me. This audition could be the start of something big, the break we’ve been waiting for.

I glance at Lily and Trev, both as nervous as I feel. We’re in this together, ready to give it our all. And for now, that’s all that matters. My thoughts of Jake fade into the background, replaced by the focus and drive I need for tonight. This is our time, and I’m determined to make the most of it.



Taking a deep breath, I step onto the stage with my band.

The stage lights are dimmed, casting a surreal glow over us. I peer out into the audience, the seats mostly empty except for a handful of figures in the first few rows—the judges and members of The Midnight Echoes. Part of me itches to fangirl over seeing them up close, but my nerves are too frayed, my palms sweaty with anticipation.

I glance back at my bandmates for reassurance. Trev gives me an encouraging nod, his eyes telling me we’re ready for this. Lily, with her ever-present grin, clutches her guitar like a lifeline. We’ve rehearsed tirelessly for this moment, pouring our hearts and souls into our music. We deserve this chance, this opportunity to open for The Midnight Echoes. A part of me wishes Jake was here to calm my jitters, but he’s not around, and part of me is pissed at him for letting me down.

I need to push those thoughts aside.

Then, as if on cue, the stage lights flick on, plunging us into light. It’s as if we’re about to perform for a full house, the real deal. My heart hammers in my chest, the anticipation building to a crescendo.

The first chords of our song start behind me from Lily and Trev, a powerful, rocking melody that reverberates through the stage. The sound is electrifying, coursing through my veins like liquid fire. As my cue approaches, I lift the microphone to my lips, the familiar weight of it grounding me.
