Page 27 of Hitting the Boss

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“Go to HR today and find one in the company or ask her to hire someone else.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Are we done here?”

“Yes,” he said.

I stood and headed for Alana’s office. As I walked, people stepped out of my way, pausing their conversations only to pick them back up after I passed.

“What do you need, Caleb?” Alana asked, looking up from her computer.

“I need an assistant.”

“Oh, do you want me to put an ad out? Or in-house? Your dad prefers hiring from within.” She continued to type, the clicking echoing in the room.

I smirked as an idea started to form in my head. “What would piss off Jessica the most?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Alana asked. She stopped her typing and leaned forward on her desk.

With a casual shrug, I unbuttoned my suit jacket, relieving myself of its constricting embrace. I sank into the plush chair in front of her desk, leaning back and crossing my legs.“You probably know all of the gossip in this place. Jessica’s sticking around for a reason, but she has to have another source of information. Who is that?”

Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure what you are implying.”

I leaned forward, putting my elbows on my knees and putting my hands together. “You and I both know that Jessica has ulterior motives. But she’s not alone. Who is she working with?”

Alana steeled her jaw as her eyes flickered to the windows. I turned toward the window. Walking down the hall, Jordan walked by, along with Kate, one of the other assistants that was in the flowchart under my father. She was standing by Jessica the other morning as we passed in the hall. Wearing a black skirt, a white button-up top, and black chucks, Jordan had her hands full of documents and folders. Kate’s face was red as she was talking very fast. Didn’t I hear Kate complain someone was late the first day I met her?

The idea fully formed and I turned back toward Alana. “I want Jordan.”

Alana’s mouth parted. “Why Jordan?”

“She works for Kate. Kate is working with Jessica. If I take Jordan, it will piss them off.”

Alana pursed her lips as she stood up and went to a wall of filing cabinets. “Why would you want to make them mad if you really think they are out to get you?”

“Are you trying to convince me that I don’t want Jordan?” In reality, I wanted Jordan inallthe ways.

Alana pulled out a file and turned back to me. She leaned against the cabinets. “I’m not saying Jordan doesn’t work hard. She works very hard. It’s just that I remember how hard Kate pushed to have an assistant. I’m not sure if you are ready for that backlash. Jordan also has a few dings in her folder.”

“Would it really change things? Jessica wants me gone. What a great way to piss them off more!” I said.

She walked to her desk and started opening documents. Her eyes flitted back to mine. “Did you fill out the documents I sent you the other day?”

“Yes, I haven’t printed them out yet, though.”

Alana’s lips pursed as her eyes trailed down the hall that Jordan and Kate had walked down. “This isn’t about that, right?”

Change of subject time. Alana was smart as a tack. “I want someone who is competent. Someone who isn’t trying to screw me for a raise. She ticks all those boxes.”

Alana frowned again as she wiggled her mouse. “Don’t print those. Email them to me. I don’t want a hard copy in here,” she said as she turned back toward me. “You’re playing with fire, you realize that?”

I shrugged. Maybe she had already figured it out.

“I’ll start filling out the paperwork to get her switched to be yourexecutive assistant. Kate’s gonna be mad though. I don’t think Jordan will be happy either.”

I stood up and buttoned up my jacket. “By the way, have you heard any rumors about T. Lyons?” I said.

Her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know if Jordan has told you, but he was leering at her the other day. I have a feeling it wasn’t the first time. It’s not the last time, and I don’t think Jordan will be the last one,” I said. “And I don’t think it stops there. It was suspicious and I want to help protect the company, if possible. If he’s hurting women, it will eventually come to a head.”
