Page 28 of Hitting the Boss

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She huffed frustratedly and her bangs puffed up quickly as she looked down. “I’ll look into it. Thanks. Watch out. It’s dangerous out there,” she said as she walked to the cabinets, pulling different folders out of the drawers.

Before I stepped out of the office, I paused again. “Give her a raise.”

“She’ll get a raise with the move.” Alana started laying the folders around her desk.

“You know damn well she deserves a bigger raise than that. I bet everyone here in the lower ranks deserve better pay overall,” I said as I leaned against the doorway.

Alana puffed her bangs again as she started to sort more paperwork. “I will have to see if I can do it.”

“If you can’t, take it out of my pay.”

She paused and looked up. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

Her eyes softened as she took me in and gave me a small smile. “I think I can do that.”

Chapter 16


Ihastily scribbled another note beside the steaming cup of coffee. I picked up the last few coffees and I smirked as I walked outside Cal’s office. There was a new computer at that desk that was pushed against the wall. A box was sitting on the edge. From the corner, I could see Cal saunter over to the office. In his strong hands he carried a white box with a subtle stamp on the corner and a pile of napkins on top. I couldn’t read the stamp, but there was only one local place that handed out pastries in a white box with a stamp. That was from Julio’s Donuts and Coffee.

Cal smiled as he saw me. My heart reacted immediately, but I ignored that traitor. I tried to step around him, but he stepped in front of me. “You ready for the day?” he asked with some cheer in his voice.

I blinked and stepped back. “What are you talking about?”

Cal looked over my head. “Whatsweetnote did you leave me today?”

I narrowed my eyes. “Let me through.”

He lifted the box as he stepped closer. “I got you some muffins and donuts. I know you told me how much you loved this place last week.”

Suspicion rose within me. “Why are you getting me anything?”

If he stepped any closer, I would hit his office door. In the distance, I saw Alana rush toward me.

“Thought it would help. I didn’t want you to be hungry, in case you wererunning lateagain,” he whispered.

My eyes widened. “That’s not typical. Hush,” I said. “You act like I’m late every day.”

He leaned forward as if he was about to whisper something in my ear when Alana stopped in front of us. “Good, I caught you. Let me take this to Kate. You really should avoid her today. She’s on one,” she said as she gasped for breath.

Alana grabbed the coffees. I readjusted my bag on my shoulder. I took a step toward the desk on the left. Alana and Cal were making me feel a bit claustrophobic. As I stepped closer to the desk, my gaze drifted to the box on the corner. Inside the box was a small bag with skulls on it.It was my bag.I looked back at the two people that had been acting suspicious from the start. My lips parted in shock.

“Why the fuck is my stuff on that desk? This desk by this stupid office?!” I said. It was taking everything inside me not to shout and I didn’t know if I could hold it back much longer. Even though I knew I should be watching my language. I could lose my job or get a write-up, but someone was touchingmystuff.

Alana stepped back. Her tan skin paled. “Oh, oh, no. I forgot to warn you. I thought you knew when I saw your box here,” she said. “I meant to text you last night, but my daughter got hurt.”

I turned around for a moment and counted to ten. The intensity of my emotions reached a point where all I could think about was screaming. The urge to throw stuff consumed me, atangible itch in my fingertips. But this wasn’t the time for an adult temper tantrum. I closed my hand into a fist and turned to Alana. “I’m sorry about your kid. Did your husband help you out?”

Alana swallowed uncomfortably and waved her hand. “Kid’s fine. Took her to the ER. I’ll be fine.” Pretty sure she was lying. Her husband was useless and things weren’t great. I would have to text her later and see if she would ‘fess up.

I nodded and turned to Cal, who was leaning against the door frame smirking at me. “What do you know that I don’t know?”

“You work for me now. You’remyassistant,” he said. “That’s why I got you these. To celebrate.”

I blinked as I swallowed. “Celebrate?”
