Page 32 of Hitting the Boss

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I blinked. I could feel the heat in my belly rising as he kept talking about it. God, he was right. I fucking hated that. I pursed my lips. “Nope. Dry as a desert,” I snapped. More lies.

He chuckled. “By the way, I have a reservation for this weekend at Blue Castle. Make sure you wear something nice,” he said.

I stepped back as my mouth fell open. “How did you get a reservation there? It’s usually a year's wait!”

Cal shrugged as he glanced back at his screen. “Money talks.”

“I’ll go shopping later and get something to wear,” I said as I put a hand on my hip.

His face lit up as he turned toward the drawers in his desk. “I forgot to give this to you. Get something with this,” he said. He grabbed a black card out of his desk and placed it on the edge of the desk. I grabbed it and looked at my name in a silver etching on the front. He looked me in the eye. “You should get some nice heels. Maybe Louboutin’s? That would be an amazing sight.” He licked his lips. I think he was thinking of other things when he said that.

I pursed my lips. “You don’t get to dictate what I wear,” I said as I turned to the door.

“You didn’t argue this much the other day when I told you what to wear. Or really, what not to wear,” he said.

I glanced behind me and glared at him. He smirked as he leaned back, his hands behind his head. His eyes glittered with mischief. He winked. Groaning, I sat at my desk and glared at the screen till I could control myself. I shifted my eyes to his office and spun the card in my hand. Maybe I deserve some online retail therapy. I pulled up the internet browser and looked for nice dresses.

Chapter 18


Today’s note said:

Eat rocks.

It wasn’t as profane today. I chuckled. Maybe I was deicing her heart a bit. Today would be a good day. I strolled down the hall, the sound of my footsteps echoing against the polished floors, until I reached one of the larger break rooms. From the doorway, I observed the groups gathering around the tables, their voices blending into a cacophony of conversation. There was one woman with bright orange hair that draped down her back in nice curls. She talked rapidly when she was excited, and she listened intently as others chatted with her. I was pretty sure this was the woman I needed. I walked up to her.

“Hello. Can we talk?”

Her eyes flicked over to me as she took a quick sip of her coffee. It barely hit her lips. I could see the delight on her face. “I’m always open to talk,” she said.

Of course she was. That is why I picked her. “Come to my office once you’re done doing . . . whatever you are doing here,” I said.

She smiled. “Sure thing, boss,” she said. I turned around and walked back to my office. Jordan was typing away on her computer. I slowed in front of Jordan’s desk. “I will have a meeting momentarily. Just let her through. Hold my calls.”

Jordan made a face. “With who?” Her eyes narrowed as she shook her head. “I mean, I should write it down in the calendar. You know, things don’t happen if it’s not documented.”

I shrugged. “I don’t really know her name. Orange hair? On the third floor?”

Jordan’s eyes flickered down the hall. “Oh, well, that is Flora Jones.”

“Well, send her in when she comes by.”

“Fine,” she said. I walked into my office as I opened documents to read over. After a few minutes, the door opened. The short woman walked inside and sat down on the chair. She leaned forward. Her positioning was giving me a view of her assets.

“Ms. Jones, if you think that is going to happen, it won’t. I have other issues to discuss,” I said. I stood up and pulled down all the shades on my windows. Jordan’s eyes filled with fury as I shut the last one. I chuckled under my breath. What was she thinking I was doing here?

Flora huffed as she leaned back into the chair as she crossed her arms across her chest. “I guess what they are saying about you is right. You didn’t even flinch,” she said as she crossed her legs.

“Do you do this often?”

She shook her head. “No. I just wanted to see for myself if it was true. Why do you need to see me? Cause I do nothing with your side of the business,” she said.

“Tell me about Mr. Lyons.”

Her eyes narrowed and her lips tightened to a firm line. “What about him?”

“The other day, I noticed him . . . showing untoward advances toward Jordan.”
