Page 6 of Hitting the Boss

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“God, I would ride that till the sun came up,” the other replied.

I ducked my head down as I clutched the pile of papers in my arms and passed the two women in the hallway. I shouldn't have worn heels today. My guess was the changing of the bigwigs was going to involve a lot of copies, errands, and coffee runs. The board members were due to stay around for the next week or two to oversee the “turning of the guard.” Caleb had decided his office would be in “the dark alley” as we called it, which was fine. I could avoid him. I am sure a nice-looking party boy wouldn't look my way anyways. Tomorrow would be a chucks day. Most definitely. I also promised not to procrastinate on my laundry again. My cheeks burned again as I recalled the texts that Cal sent me this morning.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I smiled. Cal was in a mood today. Maybe he was always in a frisky mood? I didn't mind itbut he was too hot for me. I paused before I opened my screen. Surely this wasn't some elaborate prank?


What are you doing now?

I snapped a picture of the pile of papers in my arms as I peered over the stack. It was kinda cute. The picture accentuated my eyes.


With how much you have texted me today, I wasn't sure if you actually worked.


I could say the same about you, boss man.


I can't get you out of my mind.

I paused as I slid my phone back into my pocket. Thank God for pockets. I continued to walk down the hallways, pausing to set papers down for their owners. Another gaggle of women touched up their makeup in the hallway as they walked toward the dark alley offices. These women were acting like there weren't other men in this city. I guess there just weren't eligible men that were also billionaires. I went back to my little office that wasn't an office. They had shoved a small desk in this room with the copier. I didn't mind though. It was far from a lot of drama. Since I spent most of my time making copies, it was just convenient. It was close to the dark alley offices which meant it was quieter than the rest of the office. Sometimes I played podcasts on my computer as I worked. No one cared down here. Kate would walk down here or text me every time she wouldneed me. It probably wasn’t normal, but I’m sure Kate figured out some way to make it work. She had a way of talking people into the things she wanted.

A dark-haired woman walked inside. Alana. Part of HR, she was the closest thing to a work friend I had. She smiled and pulled the folded-up metal chair out and placed it down. “I saved a seat for you earlier, but I didn't see you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Late. I am sure you will get some sort of complaint later. My laundry was still wet.”

She laughed. “You really need to be more careful. Kate has it out for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Kate and that board of directors lady were talking earlier.”

“Exactly. Kate is highly motivated to move upwards. If Kate and Jessica combine forces, you are probably gonzo.”

“Except I do my job and any job that Kate doesn’t want to do. And sometimes I think Kate makes me do her stuff,” I muttered.

Alana nodded. “No more being late. As a friend. Not HR.”

I smiled weakly. “Thanks. Although as someone in the trenches, you're probably gonna get a lot of accusations on sexual harassment later. They are circling.”

Alana laughed as she waved the comment away. “What are you doing later? Maybe drinks with me?”

I shook my head. “No can do. I have a sorta date?”

Alana’s eyes shot up. “Sorta date?”

“I am not getting dolled up. So I said if we are doing this, I will be in ugly-ass pajamas and watching TV.”

“You know what guys hear when you say that.”

“Okay, Mom,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

Alana laughed. “Is he hot?”

“He is way too hot for me. I am just . . .” I waved down my body.

Alana huffed as she put her hands on her hips. “Do not do that to yourself! If he is a good one, he will love you for who you are, which is an amazing woman. A little quick to anger, but we’re not all perfect.”
