Page 54 of Hitting the Boss

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“Can't be a secret too long cause they will need to tell Cal. But why do I have to go?”

Alana looked around. “Keep him on the straight and narrow. You know. That's the word I heard straight from the big man.”

“A babysitter? A glorified babysitter?” I rolled my eyes dramatically. “I don’t think he needs me to watch him.”

Alana shrugged. “He still doesn't trust him. All the rumors I have heard, he’s gay or celibate. But those were angry girls saying that. I haven't gotten any reports of sexual harassment from him. Obviously, he has grown up and his dad doesn't think that,” she said. She paused while crossing her arms as she tilted her head. Her eyes narrowed as she watched me.

“What?” I said. I hated being put on the spot like this. Did she know? What was she hinting at?

Alana shrugged and her body relaxed. “Next time you get coffee, can you get me some? It was a long night at home.”

“Yeah, I can do that. Hope things get better at home.”

Alana’s cheery face broke for a second. “It’s fine. Everything will be fine.” She shook her head. “Thanks a bunch! Gotta go.” Alana turned and walked off. I sighed as I walked back to my area

Leaning against the frame of the door, Cal watched me approach. “Hey there,” he said.

“Don’t you have work to do?” I said as I sat in my chair.

He pursed his lips. “I have a meeting that I need to go to,” he replied.

Probably the meeting with the big boss about this customer. Dread filled my being. As much as I kept saying, one last time, it was never one last time. I was putty in his hands.

I made a shooing motion with my hands. “Well, git then.”

Cal laughed. His fingers crooked toward me. “Come here. I have something for you. A treat.”

I shook my head. “You’re not the boss of me,” I said. “Since it’s not coffee, we know it’s not a treat forme.” Well, he was my boss, but I wasn't going to let him trap me in his office.

Annoyance crossed his face as he leaned over my desk. His hot breath on my ear sent chills down my spine. “You’re not going to be a good girl? Do I need to punish you?”

A heat in my belly kicked to life, but I tried to tamp it down. “Shhhh. Go to your meeting. I have work to do.” Right on time, myotherphone started to ding. “Look at that. Work is calling.”

His eyes flickered to the phone. “Tell Brian I said hi, but this isn't over.” He straightened up and walked down the hall. My eyes followed his ass as he turned the corner and out of my view. The tension in my body evaporated and I relaxed into my chair.

I didn’t know how much longer I could work like this. Confusion swirled inside. I knew what I wanted, but I couldn’t have it.

Chapter 36


“Idon’t know why he has to go. He is not the future of the company!” Jessica screamed as I neared the doors of my father’s office. A gray-haired woman with a severe bun looked at the door with an annoyed visage.

“Our client specifically wants to meet Caleb. Not you. Not anyone else,” my father said simply.

The other assistant, Amanda, sat in front of Dad’s door and winced as she turned toward me. If anyone else had two assistants, I would eye roll. Amanda didn’t count. I had known her since I was a kid which is why my dad kept her on. She didn’t do much other than guard his doors, it seemed. I always loved her. She was like a second mom to me and I was grateful that she was still around. She looked at me and whispered, “She’s not thrilled right now.”

“Should I be happy?” I asked with a dazzling smile.

Amanda laughed. “Yes, and no. You like to travel, right?”

“Yeah, you know it. I sent you the postcards.”

She giggled. “I cherished every one. You were always a good boy. Anyway, your dad will explain it to you. Just watch out forJessica.” The secretary winked at me. It wasn’t in a salacious manner. More like a mom looking out for a kid. She would always be closer to my dad than Kate. Maybe that’s why Kate was the way she was. She would never have the seniority of Amanda. “I hear you’ve been doing well on your end. Getting all your stuff together. I think that’s why she ran in there.”

“Thanks. There is a bit of learning the paperwork, but it’s been fairly easy.”

“Well, this client is a big deal. You’ll have to be in tiptop shape. Good for you that you have Jordan. She’s bright. I’ve talked to her a few times. Jordan could charm anyone if they let her and you keep her anger at bay. Short circuit sometimes.” She leaned closer to me. “I always liked her better than Kate.”

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