Page 62 of Hitting the Boss

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Jordan frowned. “Can we not talk about sex? It’s not all about sex. I’m talking about you. You’ve jet-set around the world. I wouldn’t be able to fuck around the world giving away all my wages because I had a fallback. There is no plan B for me. I’ve let us relax a bit since there really isn’t anyone here to report us here. But wecannotkeep doing this. Someone will figure it out. Someone will see. I have to have my job.”

“But . . . Jordan?—”

“No, don’t. I’m serious. Even if something happens here, you have a whole other business that you can work at?—”

“And you have a job there.”

“My paystubs don’t say that yet. My paystubs say that I work for your daddy. You’ve had the easy way of life your entire life. I haven’t. Most people haven’t. I can’t risk this job. It pays too well. The insurance istoogood to fuck up.”

“No one will find out, Jordan.”

“You can’t say that. Not with all the sharks in the pool. They don’t like you. They never liked me. We’re two ticking time bombs of fuck up. When they?—”

“They won’t.”

“You say that like it’s that easy. I’ve even heard that you’ve pissed off Mr. Lyons. Which is fucking amazing. How’d you do that?”

“By defending you.”

“I wish you hadn’t. It’s like it’s coming from all edges now. Is there a safe place? I don’t think so. Not at this rate. Can you please listen to me? Can we stop this?”

“I don’t want to stop this. I love you, Jordan. You never have to tell me. I would move the world for you.”

“But you can’t change things. Youhaven’tchanged anything since starting there. I’m probably distracting you, anyways.”

“Quit this job. Move in with me.”

Jordan laughed. As she faced me, I parked the car in the airport parking lot. “I’m not quittingmyjob. That would look awful. I won’t be some gold digger. Plus, I enjoy working. I just want to work in a better environment. What you should do is stop messing with your dad’s business. Get Brian out here and focus on that. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Just yourself. Growthatbusiness. Your daddy doesn’t need you. It’s the old boys’ club with him. He’ll never listen to you.”


“Fine. I guess we are at an impasse, then,” she said.


“You’ve said my name fifty times in this conversation. Do you have anything else to say?”

“I love?—”

“You’re not going to guilt me with professions of love. Nope. I’m my own woman. And this woman says, No. We’re going to stop fucking. I want to keep my job.”

I threw the keys in the car's seat. I had hired someone to come get the car and return it. Her eyes flicked down to the keys. She pulled her suitcase out of the trunk.

“See? That's an example of the difference between you and me.” She sauntered back to the private plane.

Fuck. The next few hours were going to be hell. But what was worse would be the next few days.

Chapter 43


She was late.

I was about to get up when my phone beeped. She was at the wrong coffee shop. I guess I could stay longer as I got comfortable on the couch of this coffee shop. My fingers hit reply as I told her I would wait.

I bit my lip as I texted Cal while I waited. Maybe I could tease him. I shouldn’t. Then again I wasn’t making the best choices right now. Tease him like he’s teased me for weeks. Sounded perfect. I reached forward for my phone. No, it wasn’t in my things. I left it at work. But I had my tablet. I pulled it out and pulled out my text app. My photos were in my app. I dropped a selfie I took last night into the conversation. Should I have done it?No.Maybe I also had a problem with boundaries. Maybe boredom was the devil’s plaything.

After a few minutes, I got a reply.
