Page 64 of Hitting the Boss

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My lips pursed. “I have a name.”

“Just like James here.” He winked as he left the table. She frowned as she sat where he had been.

Her eyes followed his body, retreating through the door. She shook her head as she sipped her coffee. “Sorry about him. Jerk since we were kids.” As she realized what she had just said, her eyes widened. “Oh, no.”

My mouth fell open. “You went to school with him?”

“Yeah. He’s like the school bragging post now. We taught a self-made billionaire!” Her eyes rolled dramatically. “Lucky git.”

“We have some people in common. Guess that is why he said your name is James. I’m Jordan, by the way.”

“Yeah, weird parents. He always loved to taunt me about it.”

“Well, can’t be flirting cause he’s gay or something.”

Her mouth fell open. “He’s gay?”

I shrugged. “I mean, I don't know his business. We just know someone and he’s dating him? I guess it is official? It’s complicated. It’s not my business though.”

Shock crossed her face, which darkened in embarrassment.

“Sorry about this mess.” She motioned to her shirt. “I got spooked and spilled this on me when I realized I was at the wrong shop.”

“No problem. According to your resume, you’re very adaptable? Your friend there said you were a hard worker.”

I laughed. “Donovan? Not my friend. Had to be. Never beat him, though.” I made a sour face.

Confused, but ignoring it, I looked at my papers. “You’ll be in contact with me often. And if we convince him to move here, we’ll want your input on location and such. I really believe ingetting an assistant’s opinions on stuff. Now Brian, who is your boss, can be a lech sometimes.”

“Oh, that isn't good.”

“He’s a bit of a nerd. From what Cal tells me, he gets so wrapped up in coding, he forgets his needs. Then he gets it all out in a few weeks. Then he goes back to his hole. My guess is that wherever we will have a location will probably need an apartment feature. Money helps with that, though. I just wouldn't expect to see him much, even if your position evolves in person. I can see him being the type to text from the other room. Can you handle this?”

“Yeah, most definitely.” She beamed with confidence.

“He is also very paranoid about security. He will most likely send you a cell phone he has encrypted or whatever. I’m not a techie person, I make do.” I waved my phone as an example.

Jaime nodded enthusiastically. “I’m comfortable with all of that.”

“I’m seeing a few more people, but you are at the top of the list. Is it okay if I text you when I make my choice?”

“Yeah. That sounds fine.”

“Why did your high school friend want you to get this job so bad?”

“Got me. Probably feels guilty for screwing up my life.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Academically, we were rivals. He was always beating me. He was valedictorian, and I was always runner-up. I like to say my bad luck started when he walked into that first accelerated class we were in together.”

“Would this work out for you? Cal and him might be friends. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable if Cal and him are friends or are in the same circles.”

“I am fine. I spent five years with the asshole. I can—” Jaime’s face drained of color as she realized she cursed in a job interview. “Oh, no. I shouldn’t have said that. Sorry.”

I shrugged. “It’s fine. The business is still growing and readjusting. Cal and I are working on the kinks of it. It's been a two-man team for so long.”

“They did that with only two people? Cause I looked up the company before I came here. How?”
