Page 65 of Hitting the Boss

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“Yeah, according to Cal, it's all thanks to Brian. He would just work himself into the ground. I’m glad. Cal hasn't been able to help as much as he could. He’s hoping it changes with the location change. Giving him more of a break as they hire. They have a few big plans with apps and companies.”


“Currently Cal is working for his dad and I am there, too. It's why he hired me. Cause he felt I could do both.”

Jaime laughed. “Sounds like there is more than one workaholic here.”

I smiled. “Well, I guess. I keep trying to tell him that this is a stupid plan. The two jobs thing. Maybe you would be a good balance for Brian. As long as you can keep him off you.”

She laughed. “I could knee him in the balls if he tries to hit on me.”

“I would approve that. I’m trying to draft an HR policy. God, there is a guy like that at my job. Keeps getting girls fired. It sucks. After the last one, he had his aim on me till Cal intervened.”

Her face shifted as her mouth fell open. “Are you talking about Caleb Duncan, the playboy? Or that’s what they used to call him. I remember some of the old tabloids from when I was in high school.”

I paused. “Oh, yeah, I guess most people know about him in this area.”

“So you’re warning me about a no-name guy, but you work under the playboy son of Duncan Associates? You know, the biggest company in this city?”

My face warmed as I nodded. “I have Cal handled.”

“Is that a bit of guilt on your face?”

I shook my head. I saw another person arrive that looked like they were wearing interview clothes. “Shhh, don't suggest that. Anyway, it looks like my next person is here.”

We said our goodbyes, and I moved to our next interview. I would have to talk to Cal about Brian’s boyfriend trying to strong arm me into hiring this woman.

Chapter 44


With two coffee drinks in my hand, I walked back to my desk. I opened Cal’s door and passed his coffee to him. He smiled with relief as he looked up from his paperwork. He had pulled his long hair out of his man bun and it was cascading around his shoulders. The sun from the windows made his blond hair shine. “Thank god for you, Jordan. This paperwork was eating away at my soul.”

I laughed as I turned. As I reached his doorway, I could see one of my drawers was open. My body twisted back towards Cal. “Did you go through my desk?”

His brows furrowed. “No. Why?”

I rushed to my desk, put my coffee down, and opened the drawer. My personal phone was gone. I released a shaky breath. “Are you pranking me, Cal?” I whispered.

He stood next to me. “No. What’s wrong?”

“My phone is gone. My personal phone. The one where I was talking toyouuntil Brian gave me that secured phone. The one that contains our initial texts. It could probably prove that you are fucking me.”

“Did you leave it at home?”

I slammed the drawer shut as I looked up. Glaring at him, I replied, “No. I texted Alana on it earlier because I wanted to know if she wanted a coffee. I dropped it in that drawer and left to get the coffee.” My eyes welled with tears, as I didn’t know what to do. I looked back down as I huffed. Did someone take it? It had to be targeted. It wasinthe drawer. There was no way it could have been an accident.

“Is there a lock on it?”

“Only a pattern lock. One I’ve had for years. Someone could have seen me use it and know it already.”

“Do you really think someone took it?” Cal asked. Concern etched on his face.


“Are you sure you didn’t throw it in your bag?”

I flipped it upside down and dumped it all over the desk. Lip balm, makeup, receipts, change, and theotherphone splattered everywhere. My hands wove around in a ta-da motion. “It’s not there. Thanks for believing me.” I slammed my body into the chair and crossed my arms over my chest.
