Page 67 of Hitting the Boss

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She grimaced. “Mr. Lyons.”

Shit. This isn’t how things were supposed to work out with my plan. It wasn’t supposed to hit the media like this. It was supposed to be an in-house job. Get rid of the filth and go on. I followed her as we weaved our way through the halls. As we got closer to the office, the higher my father’s voice rose. He was furious. I had heard those screams so many times in the past. My shoulders deflated as I got closer to the office.

Amanda passed by me quickly. “Good luck, Caleb,” she whispered.

Inside the office, Kate and Jessica were standing inside. My father was pacing in his massive office. “This is a disaster! How could this happen? Didn’t they have an NDA?”

“Why would they? Most of them got fired for poor performance,” Alana interrupted. According to my investigation, not everyonehada NDA. None of this should have happened.

“Them?” My father stopped pacing and whipped around.

“What do you mean, ‘them?’” he yelled.

“I have more emails of others saying Mr. Lyons sexually harassed them.”

“There is no way this is true! This has to be a smear campaign!” he yelled.

“Have you considered they are telling the truth? I’ve seen the way he treats the other women in the office.”

A flicker of a smile crossed Kate’s face as she turned toward Jessica. Jessica grinned as she nodded her head. Kate walked out of the office. Jessica stepped closer to my father. “I think there is only one option. If we don’t act on these accusations, we’ll be killed in the media.”

“Put him on suspension. We’ll have to craft a response to the media that we’re investigating the accusation.”

“It’s not an accusation. It’s true. He harasses all the girls in the office! I told you I witnessed it myself!”

“You’ve barely been here. You chose theoneoffice away from everyone else. How could you possibly know that he does that?” he hissed. “He’s a friend of the family. We can’t let him be humiliated like this.”

“I walk around and use my eyes sometimes. If you take your time with this, you’re going to look even worse. You’ll be ripped apart on social media even worse. They will say you are doing the same thing that old rich white guys always do. If you let him go off with a severance, you’ll be done with people my age.”

“There is no way that would happen,” Jessica said. Her hands were on her hips as she glared at me.

“Why am I even here if you will not listen to me?”

“I wanted to know if you had any ideas on how to get past this.”

I blinked. “I told you. Fire himnow.I’m a witness, for fuck’s sake. I told Alana earlier. Everyone knows it’s happening. This is going to get worse. Fire him.”

“Caleb!” Jessica shouted.

My father glared at me. I knew that face. He wouldn’t listen to me. This was pointless.

“Bye,” I said as I turned around.

Maybe coming here was useless. Nothing was changing with how people perceived me. Jordan may have been right this entire time.

Chapter 46


Why were there so many news reporters around the building? I tried to wedge through two people when another stepped into me. The iced coffee in my hand dumped on my shirt.

“Fuck!” I shouted. Why did this always happen to me? I sighed in frustration.

“Sorry, man. Trying to get the story,” the guy with the camera said.

“And I’m trying to get to work. What are you even here for?” I demanded.

“There’s the Me Too movement going on in there. Allegations of sexual harassment. Big story.”
