Page 71 of Hitting the Boss

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“Awesome. Text me the address.”

While she was finding a bus route to get to my place, I got the ice cream and she beat me to my apartment. I passed her my keys. “You’ll have to get the boxes out of my car.”

Tattoos wrapped around her arms. She made a face; her nose ring glinted in the light. “How big are they?”

“I can drive you home. Or you can stay. Cause I got booze, too.” I picked up the bag that had the bottle of booze.

“You’re so nice, Jordan.”

“Yeah, yeah. Guess that’s why I’m fired.” I stuffed my keys into the doorknob and unlocked it.

“If you’re fired, why?—”

I threw the groceries on the counter as the glass tinkled inside the bags and I whipped around as she came back carrying the boxes from Brian. “I’m assuming Brian and Cal’s business is completely separate?—”

“What is going on first?”

“I worked with Cal at my original job. He hired me to help him with the Brian's side. But . . . I . . . shit, gonna have to talk to him about it. Because technically I wasn’t paid yet for this business yet. This is a shit show. Sorry I brought you into this.”

“Beginning! You are spiraling!” Jaime exclaimed.

I sucked in a breath as I made my drink. She was right. “I really did hate it there. Boys club and cattiness. Maybe this will be better.” I sat down as I pushed the bottle in front of her. “I hope you like rum. Nothing I have is fancy.”

Jaime nodded and poured her own drink.

“Probably shouldn’t be telling you. Cal and I have . . .” I took a big gulp of my drink. “. . . been fucking. I told him it was abad idea. But fuck, man, he’s so hot. I’m just putty. And he’s so fucking attentive.”

“What do you mean, attentive?”

“Like he’s given me pleasure with little in return. That’s like . . .”

She shrugged as she sipped her drink. “Rare. Jealous though.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry. We shouldn’t be talking like this if we’re going to be co-workers.”

“Do I count? I’m virtual right now.” She giggled.

I winked. “We should call him and convince him to move. His boyfriend really wants it.”

“I would really love a full-time job.”

“Me fucking too.”

“You’d still be fucking the boss.”

“At this moment, I’m the only person in this business that has some sense. I sent you all the information about the app and the other apps he’s been doing, right? Two-man job. Occasionally hiring a consultant and contractors. No other people. Completely ridiculous. I think the only way it has worked is because Brian is a workaholic.”

“Are you sure about that?

Jaime nodded as she sipped her Coke and rum. I passed a pint of ice cream to her with a spoon. “Yeah. It’s kind of amazing what they have done. I’m impressed.” Awe filled her voice.

I pointed to the boxes by the door. “I’ll set you up later. But basically, he only wants to communicate through those devices. He’s paranoid. Maybe that’s what got me in trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

“My toxic last boss noticed I had two phones. When I went to the interviews, that’s when they took it. It was my old phone. Old password. They saw the texts from Cal from when he wasn’t working at the office. I didn’t know the guy I met in the parkwas my future boss. Well, we had some wonderful dates before I realized it.”

She smirked. “Did you fuck at work?”
