Page 75 of Hitting the Boss

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I giggled. “Think we all have those times.”

“Not you, though.”

“Shut up,” I cackled as I threw a napkin at her.

Jaime’s phone dinged as she stood up. “Be right back. Got to fight a fire.” She walked away as she texted wildly. After a few minutes, she pressed the phone against her ear. I sighed. Would my future involve more days chatting with Jaime? Or was I about to find a new job? I didn’t think I could keep doing this if Cal chose his dad. I typedjob openingsin the search bar on my phone.

Chapter 51


Iknocked on Alana’s door. “Come in!” she shouted. She was sitting on the floor again. Her laptop was sitting on one knee as she looked at many printed emails and some hand-written notes.

“Are you still sloughing through the accusations?”

“Yeah, I had to go around and get more stories. It’s so bad. Bad bad bad.”

“Well, you might have more problems on your plate.”

She looked up crestfallen. “What? I’m already worried I’m getting fired for missing this.”

“I’m quitting. I figured it’d be best for you to be there.”

Alana groaned. “Why are you quitting?”

“My dad won’t listen to me. But another thing is I want a copy of that dating form. I want to make sure Jordan knows I tried to do my best there.”

She turned and picked up a piece of paper. I handed her my letter of resignation. She glared at it in her hand. “This is going to go lovely. Now let’s go.”

I tucked the paper in my suit pocket, and we walked toward the office. His secretary let us in right away. Dad looked up. “Alana, have you fixed this situation?”

“No. It’s gotten worse. I’ve gone around and questioned even more women. I’ve found some video evidence. Hehasto be fired if you want to keep your company alive and well. There are people on the socials demanding a boycott till they fire him. They are mad that they only suspended himwithpay.”

“It’s just how men?—”

“He needs to be fired, Dad.”

“Wrong. This isn’t how we work around here.”

“That’s obvious. I wanted to come here to inform you I’m leaving. I don’t need your company.”

“You do if you want money.”

I pulled out another news article. One of the many that talked about Brian and passed it to him. “I don’t. I have other opportunities.”

“What’s this about this nerd?”

“I’m his partner. Have been for years. I made my money with his company. I don’t need you. Coming here was a mistake.”

“You can’t leave this company! This is a family business. Without you, we can’t say that!” my father yelled. He shoved his glasses up his nose.

I shrugged. “What’s the point if you won’t listen to me?” I tapped the article. “My partner listens to me far better than you.”

“You are making a big mistake!”

“So are you,” I replied. “I’ll go clean out of my office and leave.”

“Caleb!” he shouted as I left the room
