Page 44 of Evading Darkness

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I walk over and stand next to the barstool to watch as he pulls out the baggie, lines the coke on the top of the bar, and sections two portions out. He thinks I’m going to do a line with him.

"Ladies first." He winks, but I need to think quickly because there is no way I’m touching that shit. I lean forward and touch his arm instead.

"Normally, I’d agree, but it's such an honor to be here with you. I’d love to see what you think first. That stuff is supposed to be the best of the best. I got it especially for you." I do my best to bat my eyes and play the innocent Barbie he wants me to be, all while stroking his ego. This is too easy.

"Fuck yes, gorgeous and smart. I hit the jackpot tonight." He leans down and sniffs the powder up in a quick action, letting out a loud groan. "That is some prime product. Where did you ge- Whe- Fu-." Blood starts to pour out of his nose, and his face slams down onto the bar as whatever is in the bag takes action.

I grab the towel off of the bar to snag up the baggie that has my fingerprints on it, being careful not to touch what's inside, and use my shirt to open the door back into the hallway. When we walked in, I was careful not to touch anything, so there shouldn't be any trace of me ever being in this room. I quickly make my way back down the hallway and out the door we came in through, depositing myself back into the main room.

I glance around quickly to see if anyone noticed me, but nobody's looking in my direction, so I head back to where the guys are sitting. Seb is on the phone and is clearly pissed off. It sounds like he’s talking to Barrett. He turns his head, sees me, grabs me by the arm, and pulls me out of the event's building.

"Careful, I stillhave this." I hold up the bag of drugs wrapped up in the towel. He snatches it from my hand and shoves me forward.

"Give me that and get in the fucking car."

Barrett pulls the car to where we are standing and looks just as upset as Seb. Kyler ignores me and slips in the front seat, leaving me in the back with dickface. As soon as we are moving, Seb lays into me.

"What the fuck were you thinking going off script like that? We have plans in place for a reason." Sebastian scolds me.

"It's fine. The job is done. He's dead. I don't see what the big deal is." I shrug.

Sebastian grabs my chin hard, forcing me to look at him. "Someone got a jump on Barrett because he was so preoccupied with watching you shake your ass on the dancefloor. He wasn't watching his camera pointed at the car, and someone knocked him out. It was sheer fucking luck that Ky was coming out there to see if he could find out where Ronnie took YOU. If he hadn't come out when he did, Barrett could be dead."

A mixture of shame and guilt washes over me as I take in his words. I almost got them killed because I was bored. How could I be so stupid? I fucked this up so bad.

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry." Tears well up in my eyes when I think about how I could have potentially lost another person who has become such an important fixture of my life.

"It's okay, princess; don't sweat it," Barrett tells me with a wink from the front seat. "If I die because I was lookingat your fine ass, I’d be ok with that," he says, clearly trying to lighten the mood, but it only makes me feel worse.

The remainder of the car ride back to the house is nothing but complete silence. I don't blame them for being upset. When we pull up to the gate, Barrett scans us in, and everyone quietly goes their separate ways. I can't deal with any of this right now, so I decide to go take a shower and wash the stench of Ronnie off of me before trying to smooth things over with them.

Chapter 31


After I get out of the shower, I walk down the hall to Barrett's room without clothes on and a mission on my mind. I nearly got him killed, but I intend to do everything in my power to make up for it.

When I walk in the doorway, I freeze. All three of them are in the room wearing nothing but boxers, and their gaze lands straight on me. I catch Sebastian looking at my body up and down, and I flush at the thought of him seeing all of me like this. What the hell is going on?

Kyler speaks up before I have time to fully process the moment. "Oh wanderer, you don't realize what you just walked into. You have one chance to walk away. If you choose to stay, we won't be taking it easy on you. That stunt you pulled earlier deserves punishment."

I look over at Barrett, and the grin on his face should scare me, but it has my pussy twitching with need. My body yearns to atone for my earlier mistake in whatever way they deem necessary.

"I'm staying," I breathe out in a barely audible tone.

"Speak up, Callie," Barrett throws back at me.

"I'm staying. Dowhat you need to do to make it right."

"Good. Now get your pretty little ass on the bed- now." Barrett pats the bed next to where he is sitting.

"No, make her crawl," Seb says from the corner. My eyes instantly widen at his words. I didn't realize he was staying.

"Would you like that, princess? A filthy slut like you desperate for some cock and crawling around for the three of us?" Barrett asks, and fuck, if it doesn't immediately have my pussy dripping for them. I can't form words, so I nod my head.

"Be our good little whore and crawl like Seb told you to." I want to protest Barrett's request, but I don't have control of my own body.

I lower myself to my hands and knees and make my way towards where he and Kyler are sitting on the edge of the bed. The feeling of the carpet beneath my knees and knowing all three of them have their eyes fixed on my naked body has me blazing with desire.

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