Page 45 of Talon

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“What do you want? Why am I here?” I tugged at the chains but didn’t have the strength to do more than rattle them against the stone wall.

The stranger smiled. “Don’t worry. That will become clear soon enough.”

He lifted his hand, bringing the object he carried closer to my face. I stared at the propane torch and understood what he meant. No amount of preparation would help ease the pain that followed.

When the flame touched my skin, I screamed. I couldn’t prevent it. My flesh sizzled and burned as bile rose in my throat. I passed out when he moved to a new area of exposed skin.

A hand slapped my face. “Talon. Wake up!”

My eyes fluttered, and I blinked. With my return to consciousness, the pain intensified. Not even when I blacked out did it fully recede. I barely noticed the IV was out of my arm.

“We have an audience today.”

I didn’t know what this asshole meant until my gaze found the steel bars and the monster who stood behind them.


I should have guessed he would be involved. My lip lifted in a snarl. I would kill him for this. Ad the fucker in front of me? He’d die first.

Undertaker grinned as we stared one another down. “Had enough yet, Talon?”

“Fuck you.”

“Ah, but I prefer pussy. Maybe Crow’s sister next time.”

I stilled. My body froze as the terrifying thought they managed to capture her nearly broke me. He had to be lying. Crow would never allow anything to happen to Gail.

Wait. That was what this was about? The fucking Grime brothers? Memories flooded my brain. Gail’s house. The two months I watched over her. Nick showing up and putting him down. Getting Gail to the safe house.

I turned to the asshole in front of me. “Luke.”

“I knew you would figure it out.”

Undertaker opened the cell and walked in. “Tell me where it is.”

I stared at him in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

He moved closer. “You have to know.”

I didn’t have a clue what the fuck he meant.

“You don’t. Interesting.” Undertaker stood there, unmoving, like he was deciding something in silence. “Rook has something of mine. I want it back.”

“I can’t give you what you want. He’s fucking dead, you piece of shit,” I yelled, letting the rage I felt about Rook’s murder take over.

“You’ll tell Crow I want it back, or I’m coming for Abigail, Bella, Callie, and Bree. I’ll rotate fucking each of them in every hole until I get what I want.”

A roar launched from my throat as I pulled on the chains, seething with fury. How fucking dare this arrogant motherfucker threaten the Devil’s Murder! “You won’t get close enough to any of them to try.”

A dark chuckle filled the stagnant air of the jail cell. “I will get what I want, little crow. One way or another.”

“Fuck. You,” I spat.

Undertaker turned to Luke. “Release him.”

Luke’s eyes widened before he shook his head. “No! I want justice for Nick! That’s not—”

Luke’s words cut off when Undertaker lifted his hands and twisted his neck, snapping it so fast it took a second for me to realize what he did.
