Page 62 of Talon

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When she opened her legs and slid her hands into my hair, I groaned with need. When my cock entered her, and she welcomed me with that warm, wet heat, I knew I was home.

Whatever we faced in the future, we would do it together.


The hour had grown late by the time I returned to the room I shared with Bella. I could tell she slept from the rumpled blankets on the bed, and I didn’t want to wake her. The light was too dim to make out her features, but I didn’t need to see her beauty to know my ol’ lady was there.

I slowly stripped off my cut and draped it over a chair. My keys and wallet were placed on my dresser. Kicking off my boots, I sat on the edge of the mattress and reached for her, needing that tiny bit of connection to her to ground me.

Today, with Carrion’s revelations, I needed to hold her.

Something wet and sticky coated my fingers as I slid them over the bump, not feeling warmth or catching that unmistakable sweet scent of hers that always lingered in my room and on my clothes.

For a split second, terror overtook me. I couldn’t move. I struggled to breathe.

And then I stood, rushed to the lamp, and flipped the switch, illuminating the room and my bed. Red. All I fucking saw was red. It splashed the walls. Streaked across the mattress. Stained everything in my vicinity.

Blood. So much fucking blood.

But it wasn’t Bella. It wasn’t human.

There, in the middle of my bed, was a fucking deer carcass. The throat had been slashed. It bled out on my sheets and comforter where Bella and I slept.

Someone would pay for this.

But where was my Bella? And why was her scent gone? Like she’d been erased? No hint of her perfume or body wash.

I rushed to the bathroom. All her shit was gone.

Where. The. Fuck. Was. My. Woman.

I nearly panicked, rushing from my room and thundering down the stairs. I entered the bar. . .and total fucking chaos.

Sadie, Callie’s sister, stood beside a man I didn’t know. They were covered in blood.

Deer blood? What the fuck was happening?

“Where’s Bella?” I roared as the room grew quiet.

Everyone turned to stare, noticing the blood on my hands and my jeans.

Sadie shook her head. “He took her.”

“Who?” I growled.


My mouth opened, and agony unleashed. All the pain, fear, and rage I felt from Rook’s death, combined with the knowledge that my enemy had taken my mate.


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