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“Hey,” Ryan mock-protested. “Detective Alan Trembley is a solid professional and you should be honored to work with him on any case you’re assigned.”

“He’s quite boring.”

“I resent that on his behalf,” he said, trying to scowl. “Besides, not having you with me allows me to plan your birthday without you hovering.”

“You’re planning something for me?” Jessie asked, genuinely surprised. “I didn’t even know you knew when it was.”

“I’m a detective, Jessie. That’s kind of in my wheelhouse. I wouldn’t even mention it except that I need you to make sure your schedule is clear on Thursday evening. Cool?”

“Cool,” she agreed, blushing slightly.

He smiled back and she felt a rush of warmth come over her. Someone going to the trouble to learn her birthday and organize something for it would normally have made Jessie illogically anxious. But somehow, because it was Ryan, she felt comfortable with the idea, even excited.

She wondered if he might be planning an early gift of an intimate nature for her tonight. She was about to hint at the idea when his phone rang. She didn’t recognize the ringtone. Whoever it was caused Ryan to frown. He mouthed sorry as he picked up.

“Detective Hernandez,” he said.

Jessie watched as Ryan listened to the voice on the other end of the line. The frown on his face became more pronounced with each passing moment. After waiting silently for about thirty seconds, he finally responded.

“But Valley Division’s already there. Won’t it be too late?”

He was quiet as the other person responded. After another twenty seconds, he spoke again.

“I understand. I’m on it.”

Then he hung up. He stared at the phone for a moment as if it might speak directly to him. When he looked up, his eyes were steely.

“I hate to do this but we have to skip dessert. I have to check out a crime scene and if we don’t leave now, it might be too late.”

Jessie had rarely seen Ryan look so uneasy. He waved at the server to get her attention, handing her a pile of bills from his wallet when she hurried over.

“Too late?” Jessie asked. “What does that mean?”

Ryan stood up and indicated that she should do the same. He was already headed for the stairs when he replied.

“I’ll explain on the way.”
