Page 8 of Easy (Burnout 4)

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The girl looked bewildered and disappointed. He glanced away from her accusing glare. Just then, the door opened and Brenda stood gaping at the two of them, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. Easy fought off a wave panic at being caught; after all, this was what he wanted. Except he’d envisioned a lusty barmaid, swooning from post-orgasmic bliss and himself standing tall over her, rock hard cock ready to impale the next willing female, provided of course it wasn’t his now-ex.

Instead Brenda had walked in on a disaster of a quickie that had left him feeling drained but in no way satisfied. She couldn’t know that, though, having just walked in on them, and if he could keep his cool and get the hell out of there, there was a small possibility that she never would.

As he stripped off the condom and tossed it into the garbage, Brenda finally found her voice. “What the hell?!” she shouted.

Easy zipped up his fly and shrugged at her.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

Easy didn’t answer her, but next to him he heard the waitress curse under her breath. Easy strode past both of them and into the hallway. “Couldn’t wait,” he said and walked away.

“Bitch!” he heard Brenda yell behind him.

“Trust me,” said the blonde. “I had no idea, nor do I care. I don’t need this shit.”

Easy wasn’t entirely sure whether she meant the drama, the bad sex, or both. It was probably both. He winced and kept walking. She hadn’t come, he knew that much. He hadn’t been that inept since high school. It was probably best that he hadn’t gone home with Brenda. He didn’t need one more thing for her to hold over his head. He crossed the bar and headed toward his table.

“Hey, goddamn it! I am not done!” came a loud voice carrying over the music. Easy was silently grateful that it was Brenda who was shouting.

He sighed and turned, bracing himself to have a humiliating confrontation with his… ex? Almost ex? God only knew. But when he looked across the room, it wasn’t Easy that Brenda was laying into. He watched, his brief moment of triumph fading. “Fuck,” he muttered to himself.

Clearly, he hadn’t thought this through. Lately he hadn’t been thinking anything through. In the last two years, he’d gone from a careful planner to a straight up asshole who got into fistfights with his friends and kissed their women just to piss them off.

The blonde shook her head, her short hair falling down almost over her eyes. “Look, I really don’t give a shit. I don’t know you. I don’t know him.”

“Slut!” Brenda cried and shoved the blonde into the bar. Several patrons skittered out of the way.

“You better back up,” the barmaid warned. She didn’t look scared, merely irritated.

A hulking shape appeared beside Easy, but he kept watching the two women.

“What’d you do?” Hawk asked him quietly.

Easy pinched the bridge of his nose. “The blonde.”

Hawk snorted and raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?” But his amusement faded as he looked at the feuding women. “How far you gonna let this ride?” he asked. There was an edge of rebuke in his voice.

Easy sighed. “It’s my mess,” he replied. “I’ll clean it up.” As he took a step forward, Brenda also took a step forward and brought up her fist. “God damn it,” Easy muttered and surged through the crowd.

Brenda had a good arm, a little slow though. It was too slow for the blonde, who snatched an empty tray off the counter and held it up. Brenda’s fist connected with it, and by the looks of it the corkboard didn’t do much to soften the blow.

Brenda squealed and grabbed her hand. The blonde gripped the tray and started to bring it up, ready to swing it at Brenda’s head.

“Jesus,” Easy said, surprised. He was close enough now to intervene and he placed his hand on the tray, pushing the barmaid back slightly. With the other hand, he grabbed Brenda’s arm. “Move,” he ordered.

Brenda protested, wailing like a banshee. Easy shuffled her toward the exit.

“Come on,” he said and pushed her through the door. Her roommates followed like sheep.

Brenda turned on him, her hand all but forgotten now. “Why would you do that?” she demanded.

Easy shrugged. In the end, there would be no point in telling her the truth. He’d never take her back, even if she apologized, which she might not. Then he’d just embarrass himself.

“She was there,” he replied smoothly, herding her toward her car. “She was into me and she’s got a great ass. Who could resist?”

Brenda’s mouth opened again. “You’re an asshole! You know that?”

Easy smirked at her. “You can’t say you didn’t know.”

In the year Easy had lived in Rapid City, he’d made a name for himself charming the pants off every pretty girl within a thirty mile radius, or so the stories went. What people saw was an attractive, confident guy who hit on a lot of women. It wasn’t his fault that everyone just assumed he took them home. Brenda might have almost been his first since losing his leg, but she sure as shit didn’t know that. Neither did anyone else.

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