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“Tamsin, this is my cousin and his friend. They’re in town for a few nights. I think you’d better help me make sure they have a good time, right?”

Of course, I nod and the two dragons sit and start talking loudly with Chaldro. They both seem to be as obnoxious as he is. Don’t know why I’m surprised. Anyone who voluntarily hangs out with this guy must be desperate or stupid.

I go to the bar, ostensibly to pick up drinks for everyone, but really to give myself a break. I try not to, but my eyes drift to the corners of the room, scanning for a familiar handsome face while the bartender pours the drinks.

I can’t spot Erserro, though. He might not even be here tonight. It’s only dreaming to imagine he’d come over to talk with me. I might be thinking about him, but he made it pretty clear he didn’t want to see me again.

A loud cheer and a roar draw my eyes back to the Blackjack table. Chaldro leaps to his feet with wings extended, knocking over a chair and making people move away nervously. “You can’t bet my female. I booked her. I will be fucking her first.”

OK, that doesn’t sound good. We didn’t discuss me fucking anyone except him tonight, and I suddenly wonder exactly what he has planned.

“If I want to risk my turn with her, I think that’s my choice to make,” his cousin growls back.

Oh no. No way.

Leaving the drinks on the bar, I dash back to the table and put my hand on Chaldro’s arm.

He turns to me with a snarl and tries to laugh it off when he realizes it’s me. “What is it?” he hisses. “Can’t you see I’m having an important discussion? If you need my card, just tell them I’ll fix the bill later.”

“Ah, I just need a word with you, when you have a minute.”

He rolls his eyes and turns back to his cousin. “I’m going first and if you want to let someone else fuck her after, you’re an idiot.” With a huff, he moves to collect his chair.

“Chaldro!” He looks around at me and I beckon to him. “Can we talk?”

He sighs loudly. “Make it quick.”

I drag him a little away from the table and keep my voice low. “You never mentioned you wanted me to service anyone else tonight. That wasn’t part of our contract.”

He shrugs. “What does it matter? I paid for tonight, so I call the shots, right?”

I purse my lips. I’m still trying to keep him on my good side. “Not exactly. Why don’t you tell me what you had in mind and I can give my consent, or we can negotiate?”

He frowns. “No, no, no. I booked you for tonight. Don’t embarrass me.”

I’m about to reply when Tyr interrupts. “Hey, I changed my mind. Let’s just go upstairs now, yeah? I’m done down here.”

This is quickly getting out of hand. The other dragon joins them and I realize I’m now expected to service all three of them,possibly at the same time or while the others watch. Not a scenario I feel comfortable with.

“I’m so sorry, Chaldro. I’m not feeling so well. Maybe we better call it a night, and I’ll make a new booking with you later this week?”

Before I can stop him, a punishing hand closes around my wrist. “Oh don’t even think about trying to fake your way out of this booking, Tamsin. I know you think you’re smarter than me and you can lie to me, but I can see right through you. Let’s go.”

He hauls me through the casino toward the elevators. He’s far too strong for me to do anything but scurry along behind him, hoping he doesn’t break my arm. His friends close in on either side and I can’t get my phone from my purse to call MD security because he’s got my hand trapped.


I haven’t been in a situation that scared me like this before. I wonder what I did that made him think I’m being fake. He’s never said anything like that to me before. I wonder if I wasn’t as good at pretending tonight. Too much time spent with Erserro letting down my guard.

Panic rises like floodwaters threatening to choke me. Then Chaldro stops suddenly and I bump into his prickly back. My heart lurches for a whole new reason when I peek around my captor’s arm and spot a flashy satin shirt with flowers on the collar and cuffs and a handsome jaw set into a rigid scowl below familiar dark glasses.



“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with my woman?” My fists clench at my side to keep me from whipping off my glasses and freezing this asshole to the spot right here.

There’s no way I’m risking harm to Tamsin.
