Page 35 of Shadows of the Past

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“No, you’re to go with them. I’ll find her and return as soon as I can.”

“Fine. If you see Cyrus, make him suffer.”

“No need to tell me.”

Derek ran back inside the mansion, making his way to the upper level. A wave of relief had settled over him at retrieving the kids, but he wasn’t about to leave Lila behind.

“I’ll make Cyrus suffer for what he’s done.”

With his silver knife, he made quick work of the remaining rogues left in his way, kicking down each door in search of Lila.

“Just my luck,” he groaned. “Where the fuck are they?”

“Derek!” screamed Lila from down a long and empty hallway.

He ran in the direction of her voice.

“Lila!” he yelled. “I’m here. Just hold on.”

Throwing open what appeared to be a closet door, he found her inside, strapped to a chair. Quickly, he untied her and pulled her to her feet, inspecting her for injuries.

“Are you hurt?” he asked.

“They beat me plenty,” she rasped. “But I’m in one piece. Cyrus is gone.”

“Damn that coward,” the alpha growled.

“He told me to tell you that you’ll get what’s coming to you.”

“Oh, I will,” said Derek. “I’ll get my revenge and put that bastard down for good this time. Can you walk?”

She took a tentative step and grimaced almost instantly, her ankle rolling to the side. “No, I’m sorry. I think I sprained something trying to kick the ropes away.”

“I’ll carry you.”

Derek scooped Lila into his arms and left the property. He glanced over his shoulder one more time at the mansion, cursing the fact it wouldn’t be his nemesis’s final resting place. But the longer he had to wait for vengeance, the sweeter it would taste.

Cyrus can only dodge me for so long.



As well-decorated as it was, the vault was claustrophobic. Iris was reassured constantly that the pack was safe here, but she was still worried.

“Are you sure you should be up and moving, Ava?” Iris asked, seeing her friend moving with a slight limp.

She could see the pained look Ava made with every forward step across the metal floor. Iris thanked the gods for common pain medications. As powerful as her magic was, she wasn’t a miracle worker.

“Well, I’m not going to move into my bed for the next thirty-seven years,” Ava replied, clearly unable to hide her agitation.

As a bunker, it was well-disguised, each room looking almost like the pack house. The playroom was well-decorated, and the metal floors were coated with hardwood flooring that almost imitated the nursery in the main building.

But there were no windows, meaning none of the light was natural. What’s more, Iris became increasingly concerned that if Cyrus’s men arrived, they would be able to hear the pack in here.

“Are you okay, Iris?”

Ava looked at Iris with the same level of concern as she watched her. The difference was that Ava had been beatento within an inch of her life mere hours prior, and Iris was completely fine.
