Page 25 of Savage

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Aziza softens with understanding and offers me a sympathetic smile, "What does it feel like when you're around him?"

"Peaceful," I immediately reply. A serene feeling washes over me even thinking about. being around him. "I feel so safe, like nothing in the world could possibly hurt me."

Rayna smiles warmly, "I have noticed you tend to flock to him in moments when you're stressed. But, we did ask if you had feelings for him, and then you started talking about love, so." she wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

"We have a really strong friendship. That's all," I state, not wanting to complicate things between me and him. "Fuck, I don't know. I'm trying to sort my feelings out."

"Starla, I'm going to be totally honest here. I don't think it's friendship between you two, and that's just me being honest. Ithink you two have something special, something that should be explored." Aziza says.

"Out of curiosity, have you slept with anyone else at the club recently?" Rayna questions.

I think about it for a few moments and shake my head, "No, just Ivar."

I slept with one of the prospects a few weeks back, but it was meaningless, nothing more than my then duty to the club.

A warm smile spreads across Aziza's face as she speaks. "Ever since I came around the club, I always thought you two had this unspoken connection. For what it's worth, I think you should give it a shot. You two could work really well together."

Rayna is quick to nod in agreement, "Same. I think you two should at least try. I mean, come on, we already know his possessiveness points to him wanting you."

My heart races as their words sink in. Is it really so obvious to everyone else?

In the back of my mind, I think I've always known Ivar and I are good together. I've just been small minded and thought it was our friendship. But, maybe it's the connection we have that's good.

Maybe it's time for me to stop fighting it and let things develop naturally, "Why wouldn't he say anything? I mean, he got upset because he sees more between us, right?"

Aziza and Rayna share an amused look before Rayna responds, her tone gentle yet teasing. "Oh, that much is obvious. Why else would he have gotten so upset when that guy was flirting with you? The real question is why he hasn't told you how he feels."

Aziza cackles loudly as the pounding bass and flashing lights continue. "Probably because men never think about these things. It's like they expect us to be mind readers."

I chuckle and shake my head. "Yeah. I'll talk to him about it when we get back to the motel, but for now we should dance the night away." I swiftly finish my drink and rise from my chair, walking toward the dance floor.

The blaring music washes over us as we make our way to the crowded dance floor. Bodies move all around us, swaying to the beat of the music.

The three of us are having an absolute blast, their energy and excitement matching my own as we lose ourselves to the music.

After an hour of dancing and mingling in the club, we decide it's time to leave. Our feet ache from the heels we all decided we'd wear.

It was a good idea when we discussed it, wanting to look cute for photos, but it wasn't practical at all.

As we step out onto the barren street, laughter spills from our lips as we chat about how fun the night has been.

I almost don't want to go back to the motel, but my feet are killing me.

I take out my phone and open my trusty maps app, seeing how far we are away from the motel.

It's about fifteen minutes away, so the smart thing to do would be to call an Uber.

I quickly request a ride and within a couple of minutes, the driver is messaging me. He asks us to meet him around the block.

"We have to head up to the next street. Our driver says it'll be easier for him to pick us up there," I explain to the ladies as we continue walking.

"Okay," they both respond.

We start to walk toward the requested area, my eyes catch sight of two men leaning against a building ahead of us.

One casually leans back with one foot propped against the wall, while the other rakes his eyes up and down our bodies.

As we approach, the two men step out in front of us, blocking our path.
