Page 32 of Savage

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The truth is I didn't realize how important he is to me until now.

Who was I fooling, though?

Ivar has been in my life since one of the worst days of my life, even if he doesn't know all of the nitty, gritty details.

No matter what, he's always there on my dark days.

Ivar stirs in his sleep, his brows furrowed and lips moving as he mumbles something inaudible.

I lean in closer, my eyes searching over his features. "Hmm?" I whisper, brushing a few strands of hair away from his face.

"Starla," he mutters lowly, pulling me into a tighter embrace against his muscular chest.

My fingers tangle in his long, thick hair as I nestle against him. "I'm here," I assure him softly.

Ivar blinks a couple of times and looks around the room, gathering his bearings. "What's going on?" he asks groggily.

I can't help but smirk at his sleepy state and shake my head. "Nothing, you were talking in your sleep."

He yawns and stretches, forcing me to straddle his waist as he turns onto his back. "Were you already up?"

I give him a curt nod, "Yeah, I was having a little trouble sleeping last night."

Ivar furrows his brows in concern, "Any reason in particular?"

I shrug nonchalantly, but inside I know why. It's a combination of last night's events and the guilt eating me alive for what I did to LeAnn. "I think last night just rattled me a bit. Nothing too crazy."

She pushed me too far by hurting Meghan, but I shouldn't have ever lost control like that. Even with everyone telling me she would've been killed by the club for her betrayal, it doesn't give me an excuse for doing it.

I didn't know I had it in me to kill someone, and killing someone who used to be my friend has fucked with me in ways I never thought possible.

It's something that will forever haunt me until the day I die.

"Stop that," Ivar says, his deep voice causing a chill to run down my spine.

I furrow my brows in confusion, "Stop what?"

"Lookin' so damn serious. It's too early for that shit," he groans, forcing me to lean down over top of him.

His hands grip my sides firmly, grounding me in the moment.

I giggle lightly at his words, loving how easily he can pull me out of a somber mood.

Ivar's hands slide down to my hips, his touch igniting a spark within me as my center rubs against his flaccid cock. He's wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, allowing me to feel everything.

"It's too early to be serious, so it must be too serious for this too," I tease, grinding myself over his now-hardening cock.

He chuckles deeply, "Didn't say that, sweet girl."

I lick my lips and brush them gently against his, capturing him in a passionate kiss full of desire.

The sun begins to creep in through the top of the curtains, casting an orange glow into our room as I continue to kiss him.

Heat swarms through my body as I kiss Ivar, wildfire consuming every fiber of my being.

I lose myself in the moment, completely consumed by the passion growing between us. He's the only person who's ever been able to pull me out of my mind, yanking me from the dark hallways I'm walking down.

With him, I focus on what's happening in the moment.

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