Page 31 of Bratva Prince

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“To be fair it wasn’t that good. We all forgot about it and it became more of a stew.” I suppose they were definitely busy.

“Fine. Enough about food. I want something else to taste.”

“Behave, Roman. You almost died.”

“I know. It’s all the more reason for me to want to hold you close and feel you in my soul.” Even though every ounce of movement causes pain, I can’t resist running my hands up and down her body. With a grunt, I flip her onto me and rub her pussy on my cock.

“Roman,” she protests, trying to stop me, but I hold her tightly and roll her hips on me. Her protests turn to whimpers.

A knock at the open doorway sends Katya from my arms. “Maybe you’ll listen to the doctor,” she huffs.

“Probably not,” the doctor mutters, coming into the room.

“He’s a smart man.”


It took a week to get stronger because apparently trying to fuck Katya all the time isn’t a wise idea when there’s still a decent wound to my chest. “Are you ready to get this over with?” Alek asks as we leave my office.

“More than ever.”

“I’m here for whatever you need.” He grips my shoulder and squeezes.

“I know. I owe you.”

“No you don’t. I did this not only for you, but for Ilya, and I’d do it all over again, my friend.” I pull my friend in for a hung and then we get our act together because there’s hell to pay. It’s after midnight when we head down to the cellar, waiting for the moment that’s been long overdue.

In a chair, weak and soiled is the man who destroyed my family.

“Roman,” he croaks, doing his best to look completely pathetic and helpless which means nothing to me.

“Don’t bother pleading for your life. It won’t save you.”

“I’m not. If it wasn’t for that traitor, I would have had you. You’re weak and there will be others to come after you when I’m gone.” What in the world made him think Drago would choose him over me?

“I don’t think so. You need to learn money can’t buy everything. It didn’t help your sorry ass. Now you’re going to die, and I get to keep the best part.”

“All of this is over that stupid little bitch.” I try not let him goad me again. When he doesn’t get the reaction out of me, he continues. “I should have dumped her in an orphanage or slit her throat the second I killed her mother.”

“And yet you didn’t. Did you think she was more profitable when she grew up?”

“It wasn’t just the money. She wasn’t my kid and my wife paid with her life. I’ve enjoyed knowing that her biological father suffered for all these years, and I planned on selling her to his crew, eventually. Your father ruined it.”

“Selling her to whom?” I’m fucking tired of these guessing games. Every single one of these assholes want to play like it’s going to save them. If anything it drives me crazy and I take it out on them.

“None of your business. He’ll forever suffer not knowing what happened to his little baby girl, and that makes me fucking happy. I should have torn into that little bitch. She did after all look like a blonde version of her mother who wasn’t bad on the eyes.”

I need to breathe and remember he can’t goad me into reacting. Everything done today will be deliberate and not instigated by his words. “Enough of the talking. You killed my family to keep your revenge all these years and for nothing because I’ve made Katya mine forever.”

Alek brings the salt over, holding it with pride and I grin. “You may not want to speak and that’s fine because I only care about your screams.” One by one I make cuts on the old bastard’s hands, his scalp, and then his feet.

“Alek, you can do the honors.” I point to the salt.

“Thank you, Roman.” He walks up to a frightened Vlad and pours. Vlad screams and squirms with every granule, but Alek just pours a bit more. Once he’s emptied the entire container, we stand back and watch. It gets rather boring pretty quickly. I’d rather be upstairs with my beloved princess, holding her and celebrating our future.

“I’m over this, Alek,” I say. Pulling out my gun, I shoot Vlad in the head.

“Good. We’ll clean this up.” When I leave the room, I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. It’s over and my family has been avenged.
