Page 5 of Bratva Prince

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I turn my attention to the woman on the ground. She didn’t scream when I blew a hole through his head, a side-effect of years in this life. She’s become immune to what happens on the dock. Glaring at her, I ask, “You have something to say?”

“Thank you.”

“Good. Now get the fuck out of here. You have less than five minutes.” That’s all the warning she’s going to get, and all she needs because she high tails it out of the area, limping and gripping her side.

If it had been any other circumstance, I would have been kinder and offered aid, but revenge has turned my blood cold, and there’s no room for kindness now.

Stepping up to his lifeless body, I kick the fucker. Smiling, I drop down and snatch the watch off his wrist. The piece of shit stole this gift from my mother to my father on their first anniversary.

The leather has been worn and replaced once over the years, but the inscription is still there.I loved you from our first meeting.I wrap it up in a handkerchief and tuck it into my pocket to be cleaned and put away.

His father will have all the proof it was me in due time.

“We better head out before any more of his guards appear. The rest of the civilians have been warned to evacuate.”

I planned my attack with the least amount of casualties and there are a lot less people around here today. With the river icing over, the pier gets pretty lifeless this time of year except those who aren’t supposed to be here. The deals done in the dark will be put on hold for the time being because I’ve destroyed their meeting place.

Five minutes after we pull away, rows of explosions are set off. Destroying a large portion of Volchek’s property and sending their stolen goods into the icy Neva River while still leaving Junior’s body to be found. The explosives worked perfectly.

Knowing the fact that this property is owned by one of the bratva, the police will be careful to avoid getting involved unless requested. It’s the one thing I do have to love about corruption. There’s always someone willing to take cash to forget they saw anything, and thirty more too afraid to say a word.

“One down. So many more to go before we get him. He’s going to strike soon.” That is, without a doubt, a reality I’m begging for, but I feel down in the depths of my soul that Volchek is a natural coward and he’ll wait until he thinks he has the upper hand, which he won’t.

“Yes, he will, and I look forward to it. Let us get some lunch. For the first time in days, I actually have an appetite.”

Since the death of my parents and little brother, food has been the last thing I wanted and only consumed to keep my strength. I’ve spent the past week working out daily for hours, training in the cold, and getting ready for the war to come my way.

“Sounds good.” Alek rubs his flat stomach. Like most of my men, we all stay extremely conditioned, but a good meal is hard to pass up, especially in the cold.

We drive to the house where my cook has been given orders to start my meal. When we arrived, the housekeeper greeted us. “Sir, your lunch will be ready in ten minutes.”

“Very good, Angelina. Have it brought into my office when it’s ready.”

“Yes, sir.” She nods and leaves us as we head inside my office to discuss the next round of attacks. Other pressing matters need my attention. However, I can’t seem to focus on anything other than the blood that needs to be spilled. Reading through the file that Drago sent me, I think about my next target.

“I will get her tonight.” My mind goes straight to Katya Volchek and the fact that she’s been a secret that he’s kept for nineteen years. A prize he’s kept locked away like a greedy king, but he messed up, and the bratva prince knows just where to find her.

“Roman, I know it’s not my place or anything, but she’s innocent in all of this.” Fire burns in my guts and shines through my eyes as I look at him.

Calmly, I sit back in my chair and say, “You’re right, Alek. It isn’t your place. I know very well what part she’s had to play in any of this, but this isn’t about her. This is about what I can do to destroy him. Ilya was truly innocent.” If there’s anyone who had been pure, it had been him and that didn’t stop Volchek.

There is a knock at the door, and it’s the food. “Here you are, sir. If you need anything else, Maria said she can have it prepared quickly.”

“No, thank you. This will do.” She leaves us again, closing the door behind her. See, that’s the kind of help I like. They do their job and don’t question me at all, unlike this asshole.

“Forgive me. You are right.” He will placate me because he knows it will please me, but it’s not true. Alek has never been a good liar, and that’s why he makes for a great friend.

I chuckle. “Do not bullshit me, Alek. You don’t agree with my decision, but you said you’d be by my side on this.” Getting serious, I straighten up in my chair. I ask, even though I know the answer, “Has that changed?”

“No. I just don’t want you to regret becoming just like him.” I looked at my lunch, having lost my appetite again. I stab the meat violently, trying to avoid the whole fucking moral debate.

“Katya Volchek will be dealt with. End of story. Now eat and shut your yap, so I can attempt to enjoy the cook’s effort.”

“You will get no arguments here.” We dig into our lunch, and with his silence, I can finally savor every bite.

We’re halfway done with our food when he asks, “Do you think he’s gotten the message yet?”

“Yes.” My phone takes that moment to ring. Looking at the ID, I send it to voicemail because I won’t let my meal get cold. “He most definitely knows.”
