Page 6 of Bratva Prince

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“Your cook is incredible. It’s just not fair.” He rubs his stomach like somehow he’s normally deprived of a good meal.

“Sorry, my friend, but you eat here every day, so I doubt you have much to complain about, no?”

“I suppose you have a point.” He chuckles, taking another bite of food. We continue to eat as my phone goes off with several messages. None of them are important at the moment, and no more from Vladimir.

“Shall we begin the next stage?”

I check my watch and decide that I had two hours before I had to prepare for the takedown. “How about some pool for now?”

“Let’s go. I need to trounce you in something.”

“You can try.” We set our plates on the waiting cart outside my office, and then I lock the door before we have some time to decompress. Rolling up my sleeves, I grab a pool cue while Alek racks up the table. By the time we’re done playing, I’ve beat him two games to one.

“I must prepare. Gather the men for a briefing before we depart.” I run up to my room and change into a suitable outfit to greet my next target.

“It’s time,” Alek says, standing outside my bedroom door. My men are ready for the next part of the mission, which will happen soon.

“Here it is. We watch and wait. If anyone gets in our way, we take them out, but we’re not moving until I give the signal. Does anyone have a question or a problem?” They shake their heads. “No one touches little Princess Katya. She’s mine to deal with. Understood?”

“Yes, boss,” a chorus of voices say.

“Let’s go and make Volchek pay.” The drive to her hidden location is an hour and a half away. We break off, taking different ways to get there to avoid drawing attention since the area is extremely remote.

My group arrives first because I want eyes on her before anyone else. Given that she’s been well-guarded, there are no known images of her. With all of our surveillance, they couldn’t get a clear image of her over the past week and a half.

With my binoculars, I get my first visual of the little princess.

Fuck…. Not fucking okay.

Barely taller than the broom in her hands, her slender figure twirls in the middle of her kitchen, and I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. With nearly icy blond hair braided down her back, Katya spins as she smiles without care. She’s listening to headphones and I want to know what song has her so joyous and unaware. She has no idea that her father has put this target on her back, and I never miss.

My men are used to waiting, so they are calm, but I’ve suddenly felt the weight of every minute that ticks by. I’m not bothered by the cold; I’ve never felt warmer than I am now, but I won’t let any attraction I feel dissuade me from my mission. Even as the attraction builds to the point of pain between my legs in the frigid, frosty night.

Watching the enchanting fairy move around, I almost miss the woman coming into the house. She yells at the young girl, taking the broom from her and then swings it over her ass, striking her backside. Katya yelps, choking back the tears as she drops her head, and I just found my first kill for the night.

My anger blooms so deep in my head that I miss the rest of what’s said. “That bitch dies.”

We stay in the periphery until the signal is given. Loading an explosive under the woman’s car, I climb right back onto my perch and wait.

My phone rings as hers does. It’s the call I’ve been waiting for. “Answer it, Princess,” I whisper from my perch in the low trees that hide her garden cottage.

“Katya.” Volchek’s voice is haggard and agitated.

“Daddy.” God, her voice is like an angel. That shouldn’t even be right.

“What have I told you?” he snaps at the young girl.

“Mr. Volchek, can I help you?” The broken tone makes me angry on her behalf. Bastard.

Chapter Two


My weekly visit from my evil nanny is over, and I can finally be alone. I breathe a sigh of relief as the door locks behind her. It’s funny that I spend every single day alone, and I should be grateful for the company, but it’s a torture I’d rather do without. She dropped off my groceries with the help of the one guard my father assigned to the cottage.

The guards change throughout the day. Not that it matters to me because they’re not allowed to speak to me. They’re just to ensure no one can get into the cottage, and I can’t get out. You’d think I’d be able to leave now that I’m older, but it doesn’t work that way.

Still, I’m glad she’s gone because I can get back to cooking and cleaning for myself. My own company for a lifetime is better than being with her for even just one minute.
