Page 44 of Hunted Heir

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Sparrow, Mia and Harper slowed down by our table, seeing the Long twins. I guess the popular people can pick out other popular ones with exquisite beauty. Like calls to like, maybe but these five girls are so different.

“Hi, I’m Sparrow. This is Mia and Harper. Are you guys new?” Both of the twins look up and nod their heads, finishing what they’re eating, then drinking Coke through a straw, helping to guide all the food down.

After they wiped their hands, they hold them out to shake. “I’m Ana and this is Ava. We just started today.”

“Wow,” the bitch bunch states, sitting down next to and directly across from the twins, totally ignoring us, our presence.

Eden and I roll our eyes as they talk about a few of the hot guys here, which we’re both in disagreements with. We don’t think Cal Santorin is the number one bachelor in the school at all, or even any of the other football players around him. Except for Alden Sullivan.

The rich bunch push around the lettuce on their plate as they watch the twins snarf everything, including the extra serving of fries.

Mia and Harper stare at the food like it’s an affair that they just can’t get over. The food obviously is a married man that’s never going to be theirs, but they want to try to make it work somehow.

Pierce, Chance and Joss slowly make their way over to the table. Sparrow and her friends know what’s coming next and they usually don’t want to throw down with the gays because the gays will win. They pick up their trays standing slightly back as my friends take their rightful spots at their own table.

“You guys should come sit with us at the better table,” Sparrow hisses out. Maybe she thought she was doing them a disservice by getting away from us, as she gave the rest of us a dirty ass look, one of cold indifference but purely made of hate.

My friends that just sat down are volleying back and forth wondering who these new girls are but enjoying the show.

“No thank you,” Ana makes a show of wiping her face with the imported napkins that only this university can provide. Ketchup and mustard is smeared easily on the napkins. “My sister and I don’t like you guys, so we think we’re just going to stay right here.”

I can’t help it as a snicker of laughter forces its way out and then our whole table is howling, noticing how the girls that deserved it the most, just got burned. A couple of tables in the vicinity of ours that were eavesdropping on the conversation can’t help but to laugh their asses off, too.

The girls stomp away. “Fucking bitch.” You can hear Sparrow mutter, “fat ass.” They’re doing whatever they can to make those girls hurt. Nobody ever denies them.

Ava can’t help it, snorting in laughter. “Have a good day,” she whisper yells to make sure that they can hear her.

Both Eden and I are wiping our eyes with napkins as our three other friends are drowning in the humor, too. It’s always a good day when you can stick it to those girls.

“Ana and Ava, these are our best friends Chance, Pierce and Joss.” They all shake hands and complement each other, like what real friends would do.

We’re really happy that we were able to know these girls today, so far it’s been an epic fucking morning and lunch.

Remy and Sloan still haven’t followed us and graced us with their presence in the lunch room. My thoughts start to wander as I think maybe there in a business meeting with my father or someone else of importance.

It was weird that they actually never show their face in here. I’m not worried, we still have our huge group of armed guards and thankfully our two new friends.

The twins never ask me why I have so many guards. The red flag should be waving in my face right then and there but it doesn’t. They’re probably used to seeing all the other people with guards standing throughout the room.

My mind has drifted farther away from Sloan today. I wasn’t constantly thinking about him or wondering where he was. That’s because of these two. I’m just enamored by listening to them talk and all the stories that they have. All the places they’ve been.

My friends and I could just sit here and listen to them talk for the rest of the day.




“When do the Long twins arrive?” I ask Remy.

“They’re already here,” he states, looking back at his paperwork.

Shit, hopefully they are not up to their usual crap. They are a couple years younger than Remy and I but they are thoroughly trained. They were excited to take this job. It’s like the college experience, and they get paid for it.

“I have a few calls to make, then we’ll head out.” Remy nods and goes back to his paperwork.

“Yes,” Antonio answers on the first ring.
