Page 45 of Hunted Heir

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“Have you figured out anything yet?” News, even welcome or harmful, can help us plan our day more accordingly.

Antonio laughs. “I was just getting ready to call you. My guys have received word and we are ninety percent certain that the Santorins are the ones that ordered the hit.” I laugh, just not as much as Tony does.

I put the phone on speaker so that Remy can hear what the man is saying. “According to the Council, after a long period of time, or if you’re the one that takes off the last rightful heir, you can retain the rights to everything they had in their possession.”Antonio takes a long pause to catch his breath and is most likely drinking something.

“Even though they’re paying ten million to exterminate Taylor, they’re going to receive two-point-three billion back.”

Remy starts to laugh as Antonio slips out a quick goodbye. The man is busy. “Shit, maybe we should take her out ourselves.” I growl at him. That would backfire on us, especially with Antonio andThe Council, fuck no.

We would be dead even before we took the shot.

It does make sense why Lucas Santorin showed up yesterday. His majestic entrance on the helicopter just to hand Taylor a business card. That same bird is gone, so they must’ve left right away after talking to everybody. He wouldn’t have left in the dead of night, he would’ve wanted to make a spectacle out of it.

Everything he did was for appearance sake, over the top and total bullshit. He was trying to make Taylor scared, inevitably weak. I don’t think it worked, she looked more annoyed than usual just being in the same room, sharing the same air with that disgusting man.

“Where is Taylor?” I ask Remy, wanting him to check with the guards to make sure she’s back at the dorm rooms with her friends and not getting into anymore shit. Especially now, she needs to make sure she stays away from the Santorins.

Cal Santorin absolutely deplores his father. You don’t have to be a genius, anybody could see this by the interaction those two have. But Cal is just a bitch, another pawn in a big game for Lucas. He’ll do whatever daddy dearest asks him to.

Remy hangs up after talking to Ace. “They finished lunch and are back at the dorm room, but they have a couple other people with them.”

“Who the fuck could be there with them right now?” I ask looking straight at Remy waiting for an answer.

“Ace stated they made other friends, drinking buddies.” I growl out at him, praying to God that they are not with the Long twins at the moment. Who knows what kind of shit they’ll get into with them.

“Let’s wrap up our work here. I’ll feel so much better if we get back to the dorms.” We had a shit ton of paperwork to go through and do, that it was almost impossible to hang out with Taylor and her friends all day guarding them. It’s been easier to get it done at the safe house.

I hope it doesn’t bite us in the ass but we decided to leave them to the guards that are in charge of their protection, and will meet up with them later.

“Relax man. She’s fine,” Remy states as he notices my aggravated appearance. “You are allowed to be away from her for a few hours and she’s not going to fatally die. You have to let other people take the reins every now and then.” Remy smirks with a huge childlike smile painted on his face.

We parked and quickly jogged our way up to the dorm rooms, nodding to the guards that notice us as we reach Taylor and Eden’s dorm room.

We could hear laughing and shouting coming from inside the room as we quickly open the door.

Chance and Ava are grinding and dancing hard. Everyone is laughing but they’re doing a damn good job of it.

They slow down when they spot us as everyone looks at us and Remy blurts out, “the twins were supposed to be here tomorrow, not today.”

The girls shriek and run and wrap their arms around Remy.

Everyone in the room is staring at us, inadequate curiosity gleaming through their eyes.

“Taylor, I would like to introduce you to your new personal guards.” Taylor burst out laughing, this is perfect. I give her anod and she’s taken back a little. She doesn’t really know who these girls are.

The moment passes as the bottle of whiskey is being passed around again. Chance and Ava start dancing more.

“Nope,” I state with an indifference as I take the bottle away. Finding the lid not too far from it.

“Everyone out of the room except for Taylor and her guards,” I state as calmly as possible. These people are freaking loaded. It’s early afternoon, you gotta be careful with a bunch of drunks, especially the ones that can fight.

Her friends drunkenly shuffle out of the dorm room, most likely to head back to the guys’ place which is only one floor up. I’m not an idiot, I know they’ll have another bottle up there or someone will go out and grab one.

The twins sit on each side of Taylor looking back and forth between each other. “We need this to be able to talk to you,” Taylor states as the Long twins nod. I glance at the bottle in her hand. Something swiped from her father’s new stash. It also cost over five grand. Remy is noticing the same thing I do as both of us want to grab the bottle and slam it back.

I won’t say too much shit. From my previous dealings with the Long twins, I know that they can hold their own. They look like they’re drinking a lot but they’re not, this is how they’re always able to get close to the people that they’re guarding and watching. They feel this way they can protect them better, which is true.

“We think the Santorins are the ones that put the hit on you.” I stare Taylor in the eyes, she doesn’t seem that shocked by this. At the school, the Santorins are virtually her only enemy except for the jealous bitches.
