Page 46 of Hunted Heir

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“You have to be extremely careful, especially when you’re around Cal. He could even be within a short distance of you, itwouldn’t matter.” My hand runs over my face trying to get rid of any aggravation that I feel.

“Cal will do whatever his father asks him to. Even if that means trying to stick a knife in your heart in front of everybody in the fucking cafeteria.” Knowing his father and how much clout the Santorins have, he’ll probably get away with it.

I bend down getting right in Taylor’s face, she really needs to focus on the next part. “According to the Council, they would have rights to the Capponi empire if they get rid of the last heir.” I look her in the eyes, making sure all of this sinks in. “Taylor, you’re the last heir.” It takes a few minutes but I can see the wheels turning in that gorgeous head of hers.

“Oh my God,” she gasps out after she realizes this. “I’m worth more dead than alive.” Her eyes filled with unshed tears. My girl was usually strong-willed so I know this has to do with some of the alcohol running through her veins. It’s hard to take in, knowing and understanding the real reason of your value and your worth.

“Fuck that,” Ana hurls out, grabbing Taylor’s hand. “You are worth more alive. Two-point-three billion, you’re going to turn that into one-hundred billion easily, especially when you take your rightful place.” Ava nods repeatedly in agreement with her sister.

“Thank you,” Taylor whispers, lightly wiping the tear streaks off her face.

“The Mafia world is so fucking weird,” Taylor spits out, if she only knew how true this was. Unfortunately for her, she will soon.

‘The Ghost’ was not only just an assassin. He could sit on the Capponi throne if he wanted. Instead, he decided to spread his wings and venture very far and wide.

The man decided he would rather kill instead of defend. This is a very fucked up family if anyone asked me, but it’s not like I can do shit. I’m infatuated with their daughter.

“Leave,” I snap out to the twins and Remy. They don’t need to be told more than once as they quickly but quietly vacate the room.

I sit next to her on the bed where our legs touch, still hearing the silent almost mellow sobs that continue to break through.

I give the girl several minutes to get over her fears. That tantalizing moment that you realize death could be right around the corner.

Being assassins, we’ve dealt with this for years. This life is an adjustment for us, but for the innocent going through this, it’s horrible.

“Do you understand why my rules are so important for you to follow now?” I ask in a soft, neutral voice. “Staying safe is the most important thing that you can do for yourself, your friends and the rest of your family.” I’m pretty sure she’s going to get this now and not put her life in so much danger.

“I understand,” she states. Unfortunately, some of the light has left her eyes. From what I’ve seen, if anyone were to bounce back, it would definitely be this girl.




“I am in desperate need of new clothes. We haven’t gone shopping in two months,” Eden states as she sighs and leans back in her chair. Her hand promptly covers her stomach, letting the full amount of lunch that she just downed start to settle.

I slightly look up to look at my friends, inserting myself in their conversation. “How often did you guys go shopping before?”

Joss laughs. “The three of them, at least once a week.” I smile but for some reason I start to feel bad. I’m keeping my friends from doing the shit that they need to do.

“You guys should go.” All of their eyes snap toward me. Even the Long twins, who have been silent during this interaction. Each of those girls, for today’s menu, decided to order a full pizza. Maybe because of their hectic schedules and workout regimen they can eat this much, but damn.

Eden leans forward in her chair glancing at me, she’s a few chairs down. “I don’t think they would mind if you are properly guarded and went shopping. That is why you have guards, right? So you can do your daily activities undeterred and safe?”

That does make sense as I nod. “The allowance…” I shake my head. “The stipend that they allow us every month is growing to a huge amount.”

Pierce starts to laugh. “We can’t let that happen, it’s not healthy for that bitch to be too high.” Now we all laugh.

“Are you guys all done for today?” Ava asks all of us.

“I just need to make an appearance for one minute,” Chance looks down at his watch. “The class actually starts in ten minutes and the teacher is usually passed out.” The rest of us laugh, the economics teacher who never sleeps at home, only during class.

“Meet us in the parking lot,” Eden states.

“Will do,” Chance says as he kisses Pierce and grabs his shit, heading out the cafeteria door. A slice of pizza hangs from his mouth that he stole from one of the twins.

“You coming?” Eden asks Joss. Everyone knows that Joss likes to shop online and deplores all the regular stores, mainly the people that pressure her to buy stuff she detests.

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