Page 5 of Hunted Heir

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He angles back so he can get a good look at my streaked-lined face. “Eyes open,” he states as he uses his thumbs to wipe away the wetness from my face.

“Always,” I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster but it comes out as a whimper and barely recognizable. It feels heartbreaking, like I’m losing my parents.

“You got this kid,” my father says to me as he turns his back and walks back to the car to comfort my mother.

I pat my eyes dry then turn and walk into the admin building, letting the excitement of the situation overwhelm my tears and heart wrenching sorrow.

The admin building looks like any other admin building at a college campuses, even high schools, the ones I’ve seen anyway. Several people are manning the front. The bigwigs are in the offices in the back. At least this one is loaded with the façade of centuries past. Victorian style looking bricks for the interior and wood throughout.

“Taylor,” my name is called from a girl that looks my age who is walking toward me in a stunning pinstripe business suit and four-inch heels. Holy shit this girl can pull it off, she’s stunning. “Hi, I’m Eden.” She holds out a very well-manicured hand, that I promptly accept. “How fun, your first day here.” She’s a lot more energetic than I am but it’s rubbing off.

We step outside of the administration building and I reach for my luggage.

Eden shakes her head and lightly chuckles as she prints my name on three little tags and then quickly adheres them to my luggage. “Girl, believe it or not, they actually have what you would call bell boys in the school, at least for the first week.” She nudges me with her arm. “You can’t have all these rich people carrying their own shit around. Your luggage will be taken to your room. You have an awesome room and roommate.” She smiles big as she points to herself.

I laugh realizing how well we’re going to get along. At least I don’t have to worry about rooming with someone I can’t stand.

Eden steps up next to me as both of us look out to where my parents dropped me off. They’re still there, my dad is comforting my mother. I have an urge, a huge one, to walk over and give them both another hug. Eden must know this as she shakes her head no. “It’ll get easier,” she says as we both stare at them.

I’m ready and waiting for her to start showing me shit but I have no clue which direction to walk in. I turn back and look at Eden who is currently nibbling on her worried lip.

“Who are you?” Her question is sincere, but out of place. “I know your name, but I’m curious why you’re at the school.”

I shrug. “I won a scholarship, so beats the hell out of me.” Eden starts walking away from the direction that my parents were, and I rapidly follow.

“There hasn’t been a transfer student here for well over a hundred years, it’s unheard of. Even if they’re a week late, they don’t get in. You’re a senior.” She looks at me waiting for a response, and I don’t fucking have one.

Again I shrug, not knowing what to tell her. I’ve always been Taylor Quinn from Queens, New York, and I’m pretty sure she’s able to read that in the paperwork she has for me.

She looks at me and nods as we walk, her heels clicking. “Just be careful. Someone wanted you here and it would terrify me if I didn’t know why.”

I nod gallantly. “My parents are wary, but this is an opportunity that we can’t let pass by.”

Eden stops walking, and turns toward me. “Damn straight. You can get any job guaranteed if you have a degree from this fucking school.” Now she nibbles on her well-manicured fingers. If we were closer friends, I could see myself smacking her hand away. “You have to be careful, at least until you graduate or we figure out why the hell you’re here.” I’m still in shock at howmuch this unknown girl has entered my life, but for some reason I trust her.

“Your school schedule.” Eden walks right next to me as we both start looking at the schedule. She flows perfectly in four-inch heels as I keep trying to not trip with someone walking this close to me.

I move my attention away from all the students running around like me, but far better dressed, and concentrate on the schedule that Eden is holding in her hands.

I’m strolling and not paying attention when I accidentally shoulder check somebody.

“Oh God, I am so sorry,” I say before I turn and look at my victim.

“Oh shit,” I hear mumbled from Eden.

Three gorgeous girls that fit right in to the school are now staring deadly at me. The sun has made a rare entrance in this weather, and is shining brightly like a halo behind all three girls.

The one in the middle was the queen of the group. She’s slightly in front of the other two who are flanking her. She gracefully moves over to me. Using her hip, she bumps me off the little ledge that I was standing next to.

I awkwardly drop three feet down, landing painfully on my ankle, shifting it slightly to the side. I growl instead of saying anything as my head snaps back up, looking at the three smiling bitches, and a very pissed off Eden.

“Freaking charity trash,” the queen mumbles as her and her two leeches walk by laughing.

Oh hell no, I grew up in a boxing club, well in the apartment right above it, my whole life. I would earn my money sparring, cleaning bodily fluid and letting professional boxers beat the shit out of me, but it paid decent.

I jump up ready to throw down. I can safely say that I can hold my own against one dude who can fight, and even a few non-fighters like this stupid fucking bitch.

Eden recognizes what’s going on as she walks right in front of me blocking my view. The girls turn around and blow me a kiss.
