Page 6 of Hunted Heir

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“Definitely not worth it, not these girls on your first day at this school,” Eden says still blocking my advance toward them. I imagine things aren’t that much different than high school. I know if I submit to their bullshit, for the next year I’m going to be a walking target.

Eden still continues to calm my ass down. For some reason I trust her as I reign in my anger, saving it for another fucking rainy day.

“Let’s go to lunch,” Eden proudly exclaims as she grabs my arm and starts to drag me to the cafeteria, leaving the bitches in the opposite direction.

She moves where she has her arm threaded through mine. “We’ll eat and then I’ll explain everything about the school and the monsters that control it.” I nod. I need to know what I’m getting into or at least how to play this game for the next year.

My feet suddenly stop as I follow Eden into the cafeteria. I’m in shock and I freaking admit it. This place looks like one of the nicest restaurants I have ever seen. We start to walk but Eden starts to turn to the right and I move to the left to what looks like a buffet window stop.

“What are you doing?” Eden asked as she moves up to me, slightly tugging me in the direction that she’s going. She smiles as she says, “we order from our table.”

“What?” My eyes are way too big for my sockets now as I follow her direction still looking around. Over by the buffet window line, whatever it’s called, there’s at least ten men and women dressed in butler suits. They keep running food and drinks back and forth to different tables.

I check the individual tables we walk past and notice there’s a lot of booths. The upholstery covering these chairs doesn’t even have one fucking mark on them. The tables have thick, beautiful clean cloths covering them. We’ve been out to eat a few times when I was younger but this place blows everything else away. Even the freaking floor is not dirty, stained or has trash all over it. The wood is beautiful and immaculate. It looks like it was just shined before we came in here.

“Taylor, I would like you to meet your new best friends. The most awesome people that go to the school. Pierce and Chance.” She motions to a couple of guys that are snuggled very close together. “And this is Joss.” A fiery redhead waves back to me, polite but nervous.

“Girl, how the hell did you transfer into this school?” Chance is the one who asked this question. He’s a darker skinned student, but looks like he should be a model, absolutely stunning. His boyfriend, I’m guessing, gives me a wink as I give them both a shrug. The question I imagine I’ll get asked a lot and I still won’t have the freaking answer for.

“It’s a mystery,” Eden tells the guys as we sit down.

“This is how you order,” Eden states, sitting right next to me, across from the other three and working on an iPad. I watch and pay attention as she goes through the different options. “Just let me know if you want something, all we have to do is click and add it.”

I mumble out, “I don’t think I can afford this.” Apparently loud enough for everybody else to hear, as they all start to chuckle. Several tables give us an annoyed glance. It’s not like we’re in a library.

“This is part of your scholarship,” Eden states as she waves between her and the other three, “it’s part of our tuition. You can come here anytime you want as long as they’re open and order food. You won’t have to pay for it.”

Eden freaking laughs as she whispers to the others, “twenty bucks she doesn’t know about the stipend.” All of them slightly laugh now. I glance over to them, but my attention is yanked back. Hello food.

Eden watches me for a second, when she’s finally had enough, she moves her hand to the bottom of my chin, slightly pushing up and getting me to close my damn fucking mouth. I try to swat her arm away as we all laugh.

Every food I’ve ever heard of and some that I haven’t are on this. I will not miss breakfast, lunch or dinner the whole time I’m here. I’m pretty fucking sure of that. I order two lobster rolls and a large Coke. Not the best healthy choice, but that’s something we don’t get very much of either, soda. I’m probably gonna gain at least fifty pounds and I’ll need to see the dentist by next month.

“Fuck you, Brett,” a girl screams out across the room as she tries to push a guy away but he doesn’t budget at all.

“Oh my God,” I spit out not realizing it, with my eyes bulging.

Eden follows the line of my sight, and so do the gays, and Joss. “Is that…” I keep pointing toward the Brett guy.

Eden chuckles. “Yeah. His dad is in the number one movie out right now.” At least this time I close my mouth before somebody else does it for me. The guy is laughing with the group of other hot looking guys and girls. They’re all looking comfortable in jeans and shirts, the girls are wearing tight dresses, too tight to fit any food in them.

“If you look over there, that’s the president’s son.” Damn, she’s right, as I look toward the other side of the room where a lanky guy with glasses is eating with a few other people. All of them are intently looking through books. “You’ll be shocked by what you see here. Everyone in this room comes from some kind of power or prestige. It’s not even busy yet. The students don’t have to be here until Monday.”

I look at all of them, not trying to sound like an ass, and say, “who are you guys?” Pierce, I find out is French. So him and Chance like to call themselves French dark chocolate, it’s freaking adorable.

They all laugh. “Pierce and Chance, both of their parents are movie producers. Joss, her mom is a supermodel and her dad some big Wall Street exec. You probably might recognize her mom, Renée Willow.”

“Holy shit, yes I do. Your mom is absolutely stunning, so are you.” Joss gives me a kind smile. This girl is really shy, she also nods her head at me.

I look toward Eden. “You?”

She smiles. “I am one of only five, now six, scholarship students. I was able to come for freshman to senior year. My high school years I had the best GPA in New York.”

I was not expecting that. “Does this mean you’ll help me with my homework?” The only thing I could think of to say. I know I could use the help, I’m average at best. She laughs, nodding.

“The people you need to stay away from is that group of guys.” She points toward a huge group of football players, half of them are in their uniform. They must’ve had training today. Sadness leaks only for a second through Eden’s eyes, I wonder if she had history with one of them. That’s a conversation for another day. “You also need to avoid those girls.” She smiles as she points to the table sitting directly next to the football guys. Of course the three bitches I had a run in with earlier are front and center at the head of that table.Great. The pain in my ankle throbs, reminding me of how much I dislike them.

Our food comes out, while Eden keeps talking, “there’s royalty here, a prince just graduated last year. Don’t be shocked by what you see when you walk around. I was when I first got here. People that you never thought you’d even be in the same room with.” I start stuffing my face as Eden leans closerto me, talking softer. “Last time someone tried to transfer in, was a royalty, I think it was the Queen’s son or grandson and they refused them entrance. Just something to think about,” she stated, just as worried about this as I am, but I’m too fascinated with everything to care.

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