Page 10 of Twisted Iron

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Cowboy smirked. “I suppose we got the club girls for that.”

Fucking Cowboy. With his boyish charm, southern drawl, and magnetic personality, he attracted women faster than any of the brothers combined. Maybe it was the cowboy boots and hat. Or they just thought he was funny. I couldn’t figure it out, but wherever he went, pussy followed.

“Get your dick wet elsewhere. If I find out any of you fuckers get handsy, you’ll be chained and dragged behind my bike through the goddamn vale. Feel me?”

“We got you, pres,” Raiden confirmed. “Ain’t gonna be no problem.”

Better not be. We had enough shit to deal with right now.

“Raiden, Cowboy, Manic. You’re with me. Gonna take a ride and visit Mike Huber. Viper, need you to have venom ready.”

A few nods followed.

Viper smirked. “Plannin’ on using my snakes for a little motivation?”

“It’s an option.”

“I’ll have them ready, pres.”


“Vex, Smokey, countin’ on you both to keep shit runnin’ smooth until we return. Make sure the prospects are getting shit done and not fucking off.”

“What about Reaper?” Vex asked, thumbing in his direction.

Throughout the meeting, Reaper remained silent. I didn’t expect anything else. He rarely spoke up unless he thought it was important enough to share.

He’d always been a brooding, unpredictable fucker.

There was a darkness in him that tended to intimidate most men. Hell, he even made me uncomfortable on occasion.

“I don’t have to say shit to my S.A.A. He’s the scariest motherfucker in the club. Anyone wanting to fuck with us will think twice when facing the grim reaper.”

A couple of fists pounded the table.

Reaper’s lips twitched like he wanted to crack a smile but couldn’t quite make it happen.

Like I said, moody fucker.

“Besides, I want to scare that asshole, Mike Huber, not fucking kill him.”

Several chuckles followed, and Reaper finally smiled this time, his mouth stretching into a too-wide grin that made the skin on the back of my neck prickle.

“Church is dismissed, assholes. Stay sharp.”

“YOU THINK WE NEED TOworry about Amelia sending anyone here to bust out Henny?” Raiden questioned as we left the chapel.

It was the first time he said her name—hell, it was the first time I even thought about it—and I scrubbed a hand down my face, annoyed. “That’s why I left Reaper.”

“Got it,” he replied with a laugh, already suspecting the answer. “I’d like to see the fucker bold enough to go up against him.”

“No shit,” I agreed.Fucking suicide.

Raiden rolled his shoulders, and I knew he felt the tension in the chapel during church like I did. “I don’t want to think the worst, pres,” he began, changing the subject.

“And what’s that?” I figured he had come to the same conclusion I had, even if I hadn’t shared it with the others yet.

“Someone in the club leaked intel. It’s the only explanation.” His brows drew together in a deep frown. “Not likin’ that idea one bit.”
