Page 35 of My Curvy Rival

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“Over the months that I worked with JP, he became stronger and faster, breaking his personal bests. When Nationals came, he qualified in the first heat, coming in third. This kid from the Danforth,” I say remembering the pride I felt at the time. “TheToronto Starand national papers wrote about him, giving me credit as his trainer. I was on a high for what this could mean to JP’s athletic career and mine. Then just like that…” I snap my fingers, “it all came crashing down. JP tested positive for anabolic steroids.”

“Oh no.” Jazz gasps, her hand flying to her mouth. Although she likely anticipated it, the confirmation is still a shock. It had been a gut-wrenching shock for me too.

“JP swore he wasn’t using, and I believed him. We appealed, but the test results were undeniable. There was no mix up; the test was valid. He was disqualified and banned for two years. Rumours started circulating that I had given him the drugs, and taken advantage of him. That I prioritized my own ambitions over a young athlete’s health and future. I lost most of my clients. Even the ones that believed me didn’t want to chance having their own careers tainted by my reputation.”

“I’m so sorry, Leo. That must have felt like the worst time of your life. I can tell that you value your character, and for it to come under scrutiny, I imagine would have been devastating.” She understands me more than I thought and doesn’t doubt my innocence for a second.

“It turned out Denny was supplying JP with that shit,” I spit out in disgust, finishing the story. “His own brother. It all came out when he got caught dealing to other athletes, touting it as boosted vitamins. JP claimed he didn’t know, that he trusted Denny. Whether it was a lie or naivety, I’ll never know. But the worst part for me was that Kai knew all along. He knew Denny was dealing and JP was using, and never told me. He let me take the fall. While my reputation was being destroyed and my business was crumbling, he chose to stay silent and protect himself.”

“Oh, Leo.” She slips around the counter, takes the glass away, and wraps her arms around me, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

“That was nearly five years ago. I eventually cleared my name and started over. But it’s out there. If you Google me, that’s what you’ll find, and it will forever be on the internet and in some people’s minds. I didn’t speak to Kai for over a year. But it hurt my mother so much that I eventually gave in and tolerated his presence. I even gave him a job because she asked me to. But I’venever forgiven him. I don’t know if I ever can. But that doesn’t mean I would take any pleasure in hurting him now.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t.” She gets me a glass of water, and I gulp it down, relieving my dry throat. “What Kai did was incredibly wrong and selfish. I can understand the betrayal you must have felt, and still feel. Have you ever sat down and talked with him about it?”

“What’s the point? He did what he did, and nothing can change that.”

“But have you ever told him how you felt about what he did?”

“He knows how I feel, Jazz.”

“Maybe he does,” she says softly. “But this isn’t really about Kai; it’s about you, and letting go of this anger for your own well-being.”

“No good will come from rehashing this with him.”

“It might be cleansing.”

“Jazz…” I groan.

“All right, all right,” she relents. “I’ll drop it after one last thing. The anger won’t go away by avoiding it, especially if you’re only doing it to please your mom. Now, I’ll shut up about that and just tell you I think you’re amazing.”

I manage a smile. “I think that’s my line.”

“I’m borrowing it because it’s true. You’ve climbed your way up from rock bottom and built something that truly matters to you and your members.”

“You said my gym isn’t inclusive.”

“I shouldn’t have said that in a derogatory manner. Your gym is a niche, just like mine. We just offer different unique experiences to clients, and that’s okay. I didn’t know you then, and I misjudged your intentions. Plus, you annoyed me.”

I smile and it feels good.

“I think we’ve both surprised each with some revelations,” she says. “I know I judged you as being inflexible and cold. Andyou’re neither of those things. I hope I get the chance to learn more.”

“Stay with me this week.”

“What?” Her eyes blink in a double take.

Okay, I don’t know where that came from either, but I don’t want to take it back. “It’s a practical way for us to get to know each other better.”

“Like speed dating on speed,” she jokes.

“Whatever you want to call it.” All that matters is that she says yes.

“Let’s do it.”

“I wasn’t sure of your reaction,” I say, unable to contain my grin.

“I wouldn’t pass up on the chance to get to know you better.” She intertwines her fingers with mine. “But just so you know, if I’m going to be staying for the week, you have to let me do some decorating.”
