Page 76 of Finding Us Again

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“I just assumed we’d stay in Seattle since your family and business is there.”

“What about your business?” I asked.

“Seattle has a huge music scene,” she began.

“They do, but it’s not country music, darlin’. If you need or want to be in Nashville, we will make Tennessee home,” I explained.

I could see the wheels spinning behind her eyes. She was even chewing her lip.

“Just think about where you want to be. It’s not a decision we have to make today,” I suggested.

She nodded, blowing out a breath I didn’t realize she’d been holding. “Let’s talk about it some more after the holidays.”

“Since we’re tabling it, let’s add another option to the to-be-discussed list.”

Her eyebrow arched.

“We could always split our time. Nashville during the racing season and Seattle during the off-season. It would seriously cut down on my travel time between races, and we’d be home during the holidays,” I offered.

I watched a smile threaten to break loose. “I like that idea, but where will we live?”

“A house in Nashville, and we can stay with my parents in Seattle for a while. That house is massive, and there’s plenty of room.Plus, it would give us some help because I’m betting twins are a lot of work.”

Katie chuckled. “And your mom and dad have loads of experience.”

I grinned at her. “That they do.”

“Okay, so tomorrow we talk with Liam about his list of doctors, and we need to look for a more permanent place here,” Katie said, making a list on her phone since it had turned back on.

Mentally, I made a note to talk with Adam and Brock. I needed Nina and Caleb found now. I didn’t want to worry about them getting to Katie and the twins. I wanted our little ones to enter a world free of that blight.



The weeks since Liam gave us the good news had been peaceful. As peaceful as being loved by Jackson Holt could be. He had so much drive and work ethic that he seemed to be constantly in motion. He was wearing me out, in bed and out, especially since I was always so tired now that some pregnancy symptoms came to visit.

Instead of going home to Seattle, Jackson decided we should hang in Nashville for a while since keeping the twins a secret would be more difficult face-to-face. So, now he was funneling all that energy of his into finding us a place to live here in Nashville. He showed me house after house. He also had Marcie looking for just the perfect spot for us.

Hayden, Lucia, and Marcie kept giving me the side eye. Adam and Brock ignored us for the most part. Declan, Celeste, and Heidi didn’t seem to be phased by Jackson’s quest. Probably because he grew up around them, and they all knew what he was like.

When anyone asked Jackson about it, he said, “Katie needs to be in Nashville regularly, and it’s a sound financial decision to buy rather than continue renting.”

The problem I had was Jackson’s price point. It was mind boggling. He kept showing me houses worth millions of dollars. One house was over ten million dollars. I nearly swallowed my tongue. I didn’t believe all the houses I’d lived in during my life were worth that much. Combined.

I was working at the piano when Jackson came in with his iPad. I sighed, hoping this time the house wasn’t a castle with a moat since every house he showed me had gotten bigger and bigger—everyone more ostentatious than the last.

“I found it!” Jackson said.

I turned to him. “Well, let’s see it,” I said.

He stopped. His eyebrows had flown to the middle of his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. “Jackson, I’m not sure we can afford a house like the one you’re looking at.”

He closed the cover, turning the screen off. Jackson straddled the piano bench, kissing me. “Katie, every Holt child is endowed with a trust fund at birth. Have been since Gran Dad’s generation. Our littles will be as well. Part of the trust is released when we start school—the other part when we start a family.”

I shook my head. Talk about a life I’d never fathomed. “So, how much money are we talking about?”
