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“Are you all right?” I asked him as I felt him piston inside me again. Fluids were pouring out of me now, anddefinitely spattering all over this room’s poor floor—which was never my problem, since Nia’n’an always was the one to clean it.

“Yes, fuck,” he said—which alarmed me, because he never cursed. “Fuck!” he howled, and then made another animalistic sound.

“My love?” I said, my voice arcing in no small amount of terror.

“It’s good,” he panted. “Too good. Just—just—” He groaned with a final jerk of his hips.

“Just?” I asked, reaching up for him.

He shook his head, breathing hard. “There are no words for what you do to me,” he said, and then set about beginning to let us down.

His pair retractedand inverted by the time we were on the ground, but he wouldn’t let my feet touch the floor. He created a low bed for the both of us and set me carefully in it, then tied my knees together and tethered them to an anchor point on the wall, even as he cleaned the rest of me carefully with his webbing.

It took me a moment to gather what was going on—he was trying to make sure everything he’d put inside of me stayed in where it belonged.

“So it’s like that, is it?”

“It is,” he confessed, leaning over to kiss me, after taking his place beside me. I took his tongue in greedily and when he pulled back I smiled.

“I love you, Nia’n’an.” All I wanted to do now though was sleep for a million years.

“I love you too, Sloane,” he said, brushing a lock of sweaty hair off my forehead. “I just hope you still love me in a few hours.”

I opened up a sleepy eye. “Why? What’s going to change?”

“If your taste doesn’t evolve, I’ll have to mate you again.”

I opened up both eyes now, and stared him down.

“You just started ovulating yesterday, but usually you’re potentially fertile for several days. So if my first load is not to your egg’s liking, I must send more,” he explained.

I giggled. “Your tongue tells you all that?” I asked, and he nodded. “Well, first off, I’m realizing I get an obscene amount of head, for which, in hindsight, I am truly grateful. Second off, don’t worry,” I said, bringing his hand to my stomach. “My egg likes your sperm just fine. But you can wake me up to check later.”

I put my back against his chest and snuggled closely—but then I could feel him thinking.

“How can you be so sure?” he asked, eventually.

“You know some things, and I know others.” I made the circle gesture in the air. He’d told me what it was that first night, when we were alone, and I was more than a little humiliated I’d told my dad to use it as a secret gesture to tell him to get safely off the tower—but then again, the chances of my father running into another Arachnaea and it coming up in conversation were prettysmall, and since then it’d become our secret sign to one another.

“Less than a year ago, I went to Threadstone, fully expecting to die,” he said, and I twisted toward him. “And now, I am here, with you, like this.” He sounded mystified, and then he focused in on me. “You have made me the luckiest spider on the planet, Sloane. And if we find out you taste like you are taken, I will be the luckiest in the universe.”

I placed a hand on his fearsome jaw. “So you’re saying youwouldn’tlie to me, just to get the chance to trap me in here and mate with me endlessly for the next several days?” I asked with a grin.

Nia’n’an appeared to seriously consider this. “I do like the thought of that—although I would get you your phone, so you could order whatever you wanted to eat and coordinate the dog walker. And I would need to create the optimal nest for you.” He cast his gaze around the room and I knew he was already thinking of it, before returning his attention to me. “But...”

“But?” I pressed.

“I don’t think I could lie to you, my love. I never do. I only tease.”

“I know. It’s one of the many reasons why I love you. So it’s a good thing you married a problem solver.” I turned over to kiss his cheek, before carefully removing his translation device from him, then I turned it off before tossing it across the room. “See? Now you can’t tell me a thing.”

Nia’n’an laughed at that—and then mated me againright then and there.
