Page 101 of Justice

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Leo had tried to insist on accompanying them as well, but Ferry had nixed that idea. That was a risk he wasn’t willing to take.

“You’ll be safer here,” Ferry was telling his furious mate. “Besides, you’re on shift this week.”

“Danny can make them change the rota again,” Leo argued. “Wouldn’t be the first time he’s compelled them to get his own way.”

“Danny isn’t here,” Ferry reminded him gently. “He’s gone to Scotland to visit his former clan to make sure there won’t be any further trouble, remember? Besides, Matty needs you here right now.”

Leo’s gaze flicked over his brother, shades of guilt shining clear. “That’s true.”

“I’m fine,” Matty protested. “Rami fixed me all up.”

“No, Ferry’s right.” Leo sighed. “I need to stay.”

“I’m staying too,” I said firmly. Leo scowled, but I raised a hand to stop him before he could speak. “I’m not leaving Matty again. You wouldn’t let me watch over him last time and look what happened. There’s no way I’m leaving him with both Ferry and Danny gone.”

I was tense as I waited for Leo to point out the several demons who lived a few streets away, who’d likely happily take Matty in for a few days. Leo too, if needed. I wasn’t letting that happen.

Matty was mine to protect. I wasn’t going to let anyone stop me.

Ultimately, it wasn’t me who persuaded Leo to see sense.

No, it was my sunshine. He got off my lap and walked right up to his brother. “This is my home too, yes?”

“Of course it is,” Leo said, his gaze softening. “This is your home as much as it is mine.”

Matty’s beaming smile at his response should’ve given Leo a heads-up to the trap he’d laid. “Great. So, seeing as this is my home too, I get as much say in who can stay as you do.”

Leo winced as Matty’s trap slammed shut. “Yes…I suppose so.”

“Fantastic!” Matty clapped his hands. “Sebastian will stay here until Danny or Ferry is back. He’ll keep me company while you’re at work and everyone will be happy.”

Matty turned to face me, a knowing gleam in his eyes as he gave me the same grin he’d given his brother.

I groaned internally. Fuck. Looked like Leo wasn’t the only one being manipulated by Matty.

My clever, sneaky sunshine.

Who I’d be spending twenty-four hours a day with for who knew how long.

I was so screwed.

Chapter 20


I’d been thrilled with myself yesterday.

Rami might’ve made me want to hide in a corner with his flirtatious comments, but he’d been kind to me. Better than that, my hand was fully healed, like nothing had ever happened.

When everyone had left, I’d been practically floating on air. The trauma of the day before was easier to ignore without the physical reminders, Sebastian was staying with me for the foreseeable future, and Leo was down for four days of solid shifts.

I’d be alone with Sebastian without any busybodies watching us. With nothing else to do, I’d be able to make him see how good we could be together. To show him that he was worthy of love.

That had been twenty-four hours ago, and there was one stunning flaw in my plan that I hadn’t accounted for.

Sebastian’s stubbornness.

Oh sure, he’d stayed with me all day yesterday. But there was no more lap sitting for me. Leo was to blame for that—the glare he gave Sebastian whenever he got within a six-foot radius of me was ridiculous.
