Page 102 of Justice

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Sebastian had, however, held me in bed last night again. Whenever the nightmares chased me from sleep, he’d been there to comfort me. To remind me that he was scarier than anything that might attack me.

That he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me.

So yeah, I’d been pretty confident in my plan when I’d hatched it. But as I woke up in bed alone, the sun already high in the sky, I realised it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d thought.

After a quick visit to the bathroom, I searched the flat, convinced I’d find Sebastian lounging around somewhere.

But there was no one. Leo’s bedroom door was open, showing the room beyond was empty. His work boots were missing from by the front door, so he had to be on shift already.

I was completely alone.

So much for watching over me.

Feeling foolish, I shook myself. It wasn’t like I actually needed him to protect me. Danny had gone to make sure no shifters would make the same mistake the others had, so I had nothing to fear.

I’d just…I’d thought he meant it when he said he’d stay with me.

A white sheet of paper leaning against the kettle had butterflies filling my stomach, a familiar script on the front.


I apologise for leaving you while you were sleeping. I haven’t fed in a while and the urge was becoming too great to ignore. Don’t worry though, Ferry has agreed to wait until I return before he leaves. You won’t be unprotected.

I frowned down at the paper. Sebastian had needed to feed? Why hadn’t he told me?

The full implication of what he meant, of what he’d gone to do, hit me. Along with it came a tidal wave of rejection so intense that it had me slumping back against the fridge.

I slid down until my butt hit the floor. The note was in my hands, but I couldn’t see the words on the page. Instead, I was seeing Sebastian’s hands wrapped around a faceless human’s throat. His fangs descending to pierce the skin. His lips locking on like he was kissing them.

The words he’d said to me a couple of days ago rang in my ears.

“I don’t kill when I feed, Matty. In fact, I’m told it feels quite…pleasurable.”

The paper crinkled in my fingers. I shouldn’t be feeling jealous. Shouldn’t be hating the fact that he’d gone to someone else for something he could’ve taken from me.

Sebastian wasn’t mine. He’d made that abundantly clear.

People would think I was ridiculous for reacting like this. For cripes’ sake, even I thought it was a little ridiculous. I didn’t even like blood. When I’d cut my finger, I’d literally fainted.

For some reason though, the idea of Sebastian feeding from me wasn’t a turn-off. Quite the opposite, in fact. I couldn’t get the thought of him doing…that to me out of my mind.

And the thought of him sharing that with someone else…

Would he get as much pleasure from feeding as the human did from being fed on? Was it a sexual thing for him?

I swallowed around the sudden lump in my throat. What had I been thinking? That Sebastian would spend time with me and find me so irresistible that he’d give in?

Stupid, naive Matty. That was me.

Another thing he’d dropped in his note distracted me. He’d said Ferry would stay until he was back. But I was alone…

I blinked back the haziness in my eyes and forced myself to read the rest.

You don’t need to worry about me encroaching on your day. When I’m done, I’ll stay outside to watch the flat from a distance. If you need me, don’t hesitate to call or message me and I’ll come running.


Well, at least he hadn’t included his surname this time. Could I count that as progress?
