Page 104 of Justice

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“I think you already know.” I could almost hear Lucky’s smirk through the phone. “Get up in that man’s face and refuse to let him push you away.”

The Seduce Sebastian Until He Sees Sense plan was put into immediate action.

He’d told me once that I deserved everything.

Well, so did he. And I was going to make sure we both got just that.

I’d taken a long shower, making sure I was squeaky clean from top to bottom. Memories of Sebastian helping me flitted through my mind. Without my injuries, there was no need for him to be there.

But I wanted him to be. Oh, how I wanted him.

It was only as I stared down at my underwear, neatly arranged in the drawer, that other memories slammed their way to the forefront of my mind.

Shivering on the floor.

Naked except for my favourite red lacy underwear.

And my shoes.

The shoes.

The shoes Sebastian had given me.

The shoes he’d hidden trackers in.

The shoes that had led to him saving me.

I breathed deeply, grabbing onto that thought like a lifeline. I wasn’t going to let what happened drown me. So long as I had Sebastian, I’d find my way to the surface.

With that in mind, I chose my second favourite pair and finished getting dressed.

An hour later, everything was ready. The table was laid. Small candles filled the room—not real ones, the silly little battery powered ones. Having a firefighter as a brother was a real killjoy as far as having open flames indoors was concerned.

Still, it felt romantic to me. Quiet music played from our Bluetooth speakers, adding another layer of ambience.

Two wineglasses sat on the table, a small salad at my place. I’d had quite the debate as to what to do with Sebastian’s plate. He hadn’t had food that night in the restaurant, choosing a glass of wine instead…but he had eaten the cake I’d made. Had he done it just to indulge me? Had it made him sick after? If I offered him food this time, would he feel the same obligation?

After a lot of dithering, I made him a plate but left it in the kitchen. That way he wouldn’t feel pressured into eating, but I had it available if he wanted it.

I made one final check of the room. Perfection.

All that was missing was my date.

A small twinge of guilt hit me as I pulled my phone from my pocket, but I pushed it away. Sebastian would forgive me for a bit of subterfuge if this worked out in the long run.


I hit send and started to count. One. Two. Three.

I’d just got to five when my front door banged open, practically coming off the hinges.

Sebastian was in the doorway, his chest heaving and eyes wild. In one hand was a dagger.

“Thanks for coming over!” I said chirpily. I strolled over to him and went on tiptoes to brush a kiss over his cool cheek. “Here, I can take that.”

Sebastian stared at me in bewilderment as I unwrapped his fingers from his dagger. Holding it out gingerly, I popped it in the drawer of the console table. “There. Perfectly safe.”

“I thought something was wrong,” Sebastian said, running his hand through his hair sheepishly.
