Page 148 of Justice

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“I’ve already realised that, Matty. I fucked everything up so badly. I don’t deserve another chance with you. I know that. But I also know I can’t live without you in my life.” His voice cracked and he paused a beat before continuing. “So, if you’ll let me, I’d like the chance to try again. To earn back your trust and your heart. To prove to you that I can show up day after day.”

A tear slid down my cheek.

Sebastian cupped my face, swiping it away with his thumb. “Let me fight for you, sunshine. For us. It’s what I should’ve been doing all along, and I’m so sorry I made you chase me, Matty. I can’t change the past, but I can make damn sure I get it right in the future.”

“This is too much.” I drew in a shuddery breath. I couldn’t believe I was going to say this after how much time I’d spent longing for this moment. “I can’t think with you this close. I need…I need time.”

“Time is something we’re not short of, sunshine. Even if it takes you decades, I’ll still be here, waiting until you’re ready.”

His face was an open book. He spoke earnestly, not a shred of artifice in sight. How I wanted to believe him. To trust he meant what he said.

Maybe one day I’d get there. How I hoped I could, even if it seemed impossible right now.

“Can I drive you home? Or would you prefer me to call Ferry?”

“You can take me,” I whispered. Despite everything I’d thought and said, I also wasn’t ready to part from him again yet.

It was official. I was giving myself emotional whiplash.

Sebastian kept a respectful distance from me as he escorted me to his car. More importantly, he took my request for space to heart by not pushing me to talk.

I couldn’t stop glancing at him sideways, unable to believe he was actually here. Everything had seemed so final, and I had so many questions. Why was he back now? What had changed? What if whatever had stopped him being with me last time reared its head again?

The wave of familiarity that hit me as I slid into the passenger seat of his Aston Martin momentarily took my breath away. It was unexpected, as I’d only been in it a few times. But that was my whole relationship with Sebastian in a nutshell—unexpected things that happened a few times.

Even if it felt like so much more. Meant so much more.

There was no escaping Sebastian in this small space. The way he navigated the city traffic with ease, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his knee.

Most of all I couldn’t escape the fact he was staring at me. Having been driven around by several supes over the past few months, I knew their reflexes didn’t need them to watch the road as carefully as a human would.

Sebastian’s eyes were roving over me thoughtfully, like he was searching out ways I’d changed in our months apart.

Looking wouldn’t show him that. Those parts were hidden. Buried deep inside me alongside the tattered remains of my heart.

Dramatic? Probably. But it was true.

The questions I had for him continued to bombard my mind. Where had he been? What had he spent his time doing?

The one I wanted to ask the most was the one I least wanted the answer to.

Has there been anyone else?

There certainly hadn’t been for me, but who knew what Sebastian had been up to. The cold way he’d dismissed me that day suggested he might be the type to try and sleep with others to get me out of his system.

God, I hope that isn’t true.

It was bad enough to imagine him feeding from others…doing anything more than that?

No. I couldn’t stand it.

“We’re here,” Sebastian said quietly, clicking the handbrake on. “Wait there…please?”

I nodded, hating that there was a note of question in his voice where before there was only demand.

Apparently neither of us knew how to navigate the other anymore.

He opened my door, standing back to give me lots of room.
