Page 54 of Justice

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The sun was setting by the time Ferry and Leo pulled up. The two of them were relaxed, Leo’s arm draped around Ferry’s shoulders as they made their way from the car to the door.

It was a good thing humans didn’t know Ferry’s true identity. If they could see the sickening way he was grinning at Leo, his reputation as the Grim Reaper would be ruined.

Not that he’d care. That part of his life had been left behind. Now all he needed to focus on was Leo.

It was a luxury I’d never have.

Right, they’re here now, I told myself sternly. Time to go.

But my limbs didn’t move. It was like someone had poured concrete through my veins, pinning me in place.

A lump formed in my throat as I stared at Matty’s building. Could I really do this? Did I really want to?

Look what happened the last time you cared about a human, my cold heart whispered. He didn’t truly love you. He betrayed you.

Matty wouldn’t do that though. Deep in my bones, I knew Matty would never hurt me.

Perhaps that made me a fool, but I trusted him.

Even if he does love you, you’ll ruin him. You’re an assassin. You have no friends. No life aside from murder and hacking. Do you really want to drag Matty into that world?

Suddenly I was able to move again. No. I didn’t want to drag Matty into my world.

My past wasn’t the only obstacle to being with Matty—my present was. I didn’t ever want him looking at me and knowing the evil I was capable of.

It would destroy me.

Thirty minutes later, my Aston Martin was racing up the M3 towards Farnborough. The town was home to a small international airport, catering mainly to private jets.

Both Toby and I had planes there. That was the thing about being immortal, you tended to acquire money at an alarming pace.

Especially if you had a skill set as niche as mine.

I’d barely passed Winchester though when a message flashed up on my phone. It was in the group chat Toby had added me to. I normally ignored it, given it was often full of the sons of Lucifer bickering, or their mates planning some bullshit event or another.

There was no ignoring this message from Dimitri though.

Dickhead former angel

SOS—everyone to The Closet now.

Cursing, I pulled off at the next junction. I didn’t need to go. Let’s face it, before Matty, I would’ve rolled my eyes and carried on to where my jet was waiting to whisk me away.

That wasn’t happening now. Especially given that the last few times this lot had got into trouble, it’d taken me to make them see something painfully obvious.

Demons might be powerful, but they weren’t particularly intelligent.

If whatever this was might impact Matty, I needed to be there to help.

I made it back to Southampton in record time. Any speeding tickets would disappear with a simple hack. With my heightened senses, I was capable of driving safely at very high speeds.

My tyres screeched as I pulled up outside the club. Harlow’s, Dagon’s, Cal’s, and Ferry’s cars were all parked nearby, similarly abandoned.

I stalked into the club, my mood darkening as the noise hit me.

Cal and Dimitri were in each other’s faces, yelling. Harlow, Dagon, and River also seemed to be having a very heated discussion while their mates pulled at their arms, trying to get them under control. Ferry and Leo were on the sidelines, mouths in a grim line. Even Danny was there, watching it all unfold with a look of mild amusement.

No sign of Toby or Blaise. Either they were too far away to answer the summons, or they had other things going on.
